List of Publications |
Book|Book Chapters |Journal papers|Conference papers|Thesis/Reports
Chowdhury, R., and Rao, B.N., High dimensional model representation for reliability analysis, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller AG & Co. KG, ISBN: 978-3-639-27580-3.

Book|Book Chapters |Journal papers|Conference papers|Thesis/Reports
Book Chapters
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M., A practical solution of the random eigenvalue problems using factorized decomposition technique, Computational Mechanics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M., HDMR based stochastic finite element analysis for random field problems, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2009.
Book|Book Chapters |Journal papers|Conference papers|Thesis/Reports
Refereed Journal Papers
Under Review
Accepted/In press
Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F., and Adhikari, S., Molecular-scale bio-sensing using armchair graphene, Journal of Applied Physics.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Fuzzy parametric uncertainty analysis of linear dynamical systems: A surrogate modeling approach, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
Dutta, S. C., and Chowdhury, R., Effect of gravity loading on inelastic seismic demand of structures, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami.
Kam, K., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R., Graphene nanofilm as pressure and force sensor: a mechanical analysis, Physica Status Solidi B.
Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R., Zeptogram sensing from gigahertz vibration: Graphene based nanosensor, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44[7-8] (2012), pp. 1528-1534.
Chowdhury, R., Conductance of graphene nanoribbons under mechanical deformation, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44[7-8] (2012), pp. 1256-1259.
Chandra, Y.,Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., Seinz, J., Arnold, C., Murmu, T., and Bould, D., Vibration frequency of graphene based composites: A multiscale approach, Materials Science & Engineering B, 177[3] (2012), pp. 303-310.
Murugan, S.,Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Friswell, M.I., Helicopter aeroelastic analysis with specially uncertain rotor blade properties, Aerospace Science and Technology, 16[1] (2012), pp. 29-39.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Rees, P., Graphene based single molecule nanojunction, Physica
B: Condensed Matter, 407[5] (2012), pp. 855-858.
Boldrin, L., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Effective mechanical properties of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets, Nanotechnology, 22[50] (2011), pp. 505702:1-7.
Chandra, Y.,Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Scarpa, F., Elastic instability of bilayer graphene using atomistic finite element, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44[1] (2011), pp. 12-16.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Boron nitride nanotubes as zeptogram-scale bio-nano sensors: Theoretical investigations, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 10[4] (2011), pp. 659-667.
Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., Kam, K., Adhikari, S., and Ruzzene, M., Dynamics of mechanical waves in periodic graphene nanoribbon assemblies, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 (2011), pp. 430:1-10.
Chowdhury, R., and Rao, B. N., Multicut high dimensional model representation for reliability analysis, Structural Engineering and Mechanics - An International Journal, 38[5] (2011), pp. 651-674.
Chandra, Y.,Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F., and Adhikari, S., Vibration characteristics of bi-layer graphene sheets, Thin Solid Films, 519[18] (2011), pp. 6026–6032.
Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R., Vibration spectra of fullerene family, Physics Letters A, 375[22] (2011), pp. 2166–2170.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Scarpa, F., and Friswell, M.I., Transverse vibration of single layer graphene sheets, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44[20] (2011), pp. 205401:1-11.
Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Thickness and in-plane elasticity of Graphane, Physics Letters A, 375[20] (2011), pp. 2071–2074.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Reliability analysis of uncertain dynamical systems using correlated
function expansion, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 53[4] (2011), pp. 281-285.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Scarpa, F., Vibration of ZnO nanotubes: A molecular mechanics approach, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing , 102[2] (2011), pp. 301-308.
Adhikari, S., Chowdhury, R. and Friswell, M.I.,
High dimensional model representation method for fuzzy structural dynamics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330[7] (2011), pp. 1516-1529.
Chowdhury, R. Adhikari, S., Rees, P., Scarpa, F. and Wilks, S.P., Graphene-based biosensor using transport properties, Physical Review B, 83[4] (2011), pp. 045401:1-8
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N, Probabilitic stability assessment of slopes using high dimensional model representation, Computers & Geotechnics, 37[7-8] (2010), pp. 876-884.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Rees, P., Optical properties of Silicon doped ZnO, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405[23] (2010), pp. 4763–4767.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., Stochastic sensitivity analysis using enhanced HDMR and score function, Engineering Computations, 27[7] (2010), pp. 841-862.
Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R., A reduced-order random matrix approach for stochastic structural dynamics, Computers & Structures, 88[21-22] (2010), pp. 3917-3932.
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C.Y., Adhikari, S., and Scarpa, F., Vibration and symmetry-breaking of boron-nitride nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 107[21] (2010), pp. 365702:1-9.
Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R.,The calibration of carbon nanotube based bionanosensors, Journal of Applied Physics, 107[12] (2010), pp. 124322:1-8.
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C.Y., Adhikari, S., and Tong, F.M., Sliding oscillation of multiwall carbon nanotubes, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42[9] (2010), pp. 2295-2300.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M., Hybrid High Dimensional Model Representation for Failure Probability Estimation, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, 37[2] (2010), pp. 188-199.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S., High dimensional model representation for stochastic finite element analysis, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34[12] (2010), pp. 3917-3932.
Rao, B.N., Chowdhury, R., Prasad A.M., Singh, R.K., and Kushwaha, H.S., Reliability analysis of 500 MWe PHWR inner containment using high dimensional model representation, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 87[5] (2010), pp. 230-238.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Wang, C. Y., and Scarpa, F., A molecular mechanics approach for the vibration of single walled carbon nanotubes, Computational Materials Science, 48[4] (2010), pp. 730-735.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Scarpa, F., Elasticity and piezoelectricity of zinc oxide nanostructure, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42[8] (2010), pp. 2036-2040.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., and Chowdhury, R., Transverse elasticity of bilayer graphene, Physics Letters A, 374[19-20] (2010), pp. 2053-2057.
Chowdhury, R., Rees, P., Adhikari, S., Scarpa, F., and Wilks, S.P.,
Electronic structures of Silicon doped ZnO, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405[8] (2010), pp. 1980-1985.
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C. Y., and Adhikari, S., Low frequency vibration of multiwall carbon nanotubes with heterogeneous boundaries, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43[11] (2010), pp. 085405:1-8.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Mitchell, J.,
Vibrating carbon nanotube based bio-sensors, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42[2] (2009), pp. 104-109..
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis using HDMR and Score Function, Sādhanā - Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Engineering Sciences, 34[6] (2009), pp. 967–986..
Rao, B.N., Chowdhury, R., Prasad A.M., Singh, R.K., and Kushwaha, H.S.,
Probabilistic Characterization of AHWR Inner Containment using High Dimensional Model Representation, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239[6] (2009), pp. 1030-1041..
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
High Dimensional Model Representation for Structural Reliability Analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 25[4] (2009), pp. 301-337..
Chowdhury, R., and Rao, B.N.,
Hybrid High Dimensional Model Representation for Reliability Analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198[5-8] (2009), pp. 753–765.
Rao, B.N., and Chowdhury, R.,
Enhanced High Dimensional Model Representation for Reliability Analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 77[5] (2009), pp. 719 – 750.
Chowdhury, R., and Rao, B.N.,
Assessment of High Dimensional Model Representation Techniques for Reliability Analysis, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 24[1] (2009), pp. 100-115.
Rao, B.N., and Chowdhury, R.,
Factorized High Dimensional Model Representation for Structural Reliability Analysis, Engineering Computations, 25[8] (2008), pp. 708-738.
Chowdhury, R., and Rao, B.N.,
Structural Failure Probability Estimation using HDMR and FFT, Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 8(2008), pp. 67-76 (Online).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
High Dimensional Model Representation Based Higher Order Limit State Function for Reliability Analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, 36[6] (2008), pp. 393–405.
Rao, B.N., and Chowdhury, R.,
Probabilistic Analysis using High Dimensional Model Representation and Fast Fourier Transform, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 9 (2008), pp. 342–357.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
High Dimensional Model Representation for Piece Wise Continuous Function Approximation, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24[12] (2008), pp. 1587-1609.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Development of a New Bi-directional Hysteresis Model for RC Structural Element, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, 34[2] (2007), pp. 88-94.
Book|Book Chapters|Journal papers|Conference papers|Thesis/Reports
Conference Papers
Under Review
Masanam, S.M., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Friswell, M.I.,
Effects of Spatially Uncertain Structural Properties on Helicopter Aeroelastic Response Predictions using High Dimensional Model Representation, 52th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Denver, USA, April 2011.
Rao, B.N., Chowdhury, R., Singh, R.K., and Kushwaha, H.S., Structural reliability analysis of AHWR and PHWR inner containment using high dimensional model representation,2nd International Conference on Reliability, Safety And Hazard - Risk-Based Technologies And Physics - of Failure Methods, Mumbai, India, December 14 –16, 2010.
Adhikari, S., Chowdhury, R. and Friswell, M.I.,
Fuzzy finite element analysis using high dimensional model representation, International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, (USD 2010), Leuven, Belgium, September 20-22, 2010.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S.,
A non-linear dimension reduction methodology for the frequency response functions of uncertain structural systems, 5th ASRANet International Colloquium (ASRANet2010), Edinburgh, Scotland, June 14-16, 2010.
Scarpa, F., Ruzzene, M., Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
Wave propagation and structural dynamics in graphene nanoribbons, SPIE Smart Structures, Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference, San Diego, California, USA, March 2010.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., and Scarpa, F.,
Electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons coupled with organic molecules, ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB2010), Houston, TX, USA, February 7-10, 2010, (Paper ID: NEMB2010-13192).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
HDMR based Stochastic Finite Element Analysis for Random Field Problems, International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability
(ICOSSAR2009), Osaka, Japan, September 13-17, 2009, (Paper ID: ICOSSAR09-0124).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Hybrid HDMR based Sensitivity Analysis for Stochastic Fracture Mechanics, Proceedings of 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 26-30, 2009, (Paper No. PVP2009-77657).
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S.,
MPP-based Correlated Function Expansion for Reliabilities and Moments of Uncertain Dynamical System, 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD 2009), Sheffield, UK, June 15-17, 2009.
Chowdhury, R., and Adhikari, S.,
An Efficient Computational Solution Scheme of the Random Eigenvalue Problems, 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis using HDMR & Score Function, Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2008), Chennai, India, December 18-20, 2008, (Paper No. 22).
Rao, B.N., and Chowdhury, R.,
Structural Reliability Evaluation using Enhanced HDMR, Proceedings of 2008 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 27-31, 2008, (Paper No. PVP2008-61876).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Application of Coupled RKHS-HDMR to Stochastic Mechanics and Reliability, 4th ASRANet International Colloquium, Athens, Greece, June 25-27, 2008, (Paper No. 98).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Improved HDMR for Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability, International Conference on Reliability Safety and Quality Engineering (ICRSQE-2008), Mumbai, India, January 5-7, 2008, (Paper No. 133).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Coupled HDMR-FFT for Failure Probability Estimation, 4th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2007), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, December 27-29, 2007, (Paper No. 89).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Evaluation of Structural Reliability using Hybrid High Dimensional Model Representation, 3rd International Conference on Reliability and System Safety (INCRESE 2007), Rajasthan, India, December 17-19, 2007, pp. 172-183.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
A Practical Solution of the Random Eigenvalue Problems using Factorized Decomposition Technique, International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM 2007), Beijing, China, July 30-August 1, 2007, (Paper No. 191).
Rao, B.N., Chowdhury, R., and Prasad, A.M.,
Efficient Reliability Analysis using Multi Point Response Surface Method, Proceedings of 2007 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping/CREEP8 Conference, San Antonio, Texas, July 22-26, 2007, (Paper No. PVP200726793).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Multipoint Decomposition Method for Higher Order Reliability Analysis, International Conference on Current trends in Engineering Analysis & Design, J. F. Welch Technology Centre, Bangalore, India, March 12, 2007, (Paper No. 046).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Multipoint Response Surface for Reliability Analysis involving Multiple Design Point, International Conference on Computational, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, January 6-8, 2007.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
A New Approach to Response Surfaces for Reliability Analysis, International Conference on Trends In Product Life Cycle-Modelling, Simulation And Synthesis (PLMSS2006), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 18-20, 2006.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Uncertainty Analysis by Multivariate Function Decomposition, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM-2007), Bengal Engineering and Science University, India, January 11-14, 2007, (Paper No. STR 042).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
MLS Based Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis, Second International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-06), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. India, December 8-10, 2006, (Paper No. A018).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
An Improved Meshfree Method for Fracture Analysis of Cracks, Proceedings of 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping/ICPVT-11 Conference, Vancouver, BC, July 23-27, 2006, (Paper No. PVP2006-ICPVT11-93753).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Hysteresis Model for RC Structural Element Accounting Bi-Directional Lateral Load Interaction, Proceedings of 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Denver, Colorado, July 17-21, 2005, (Paper No. PVP2005-71600).
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M.,
Probabilistic Assessment of Nuclear Containment Structures – A Review, National Seminar on Protection of Structures & Occupants Against Hazards, Chennai, India, July 7, 2005, pp. 1-11.
Roy, R., Das, P. K., Chowdhury, R., and Dutta, S. C.,
Adequacy of Existing Seismic Torsional Provisions: A Critical Review with Recommendations, Proceedings of World Congress on Natural Disaster Mitigation, New Delhi, India, February 19-22, 2004, pp. 337-347.
Book|Book Chapters|Journal papers|Conference papers|Thesis/Reports
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M., Probabilistic Characterization of AHWR Containment, Report prepared for Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, India, July 2008.
Chowdhury, R., Rao, B.N., and Prasad, A.M., Probabilistic Characterization of PHWR Containment,
Report prepared for Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, India, July 2008.
Chowdhury, R., High Dimensional Model Representation for Structural Reliability Analysis,
PhD dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, India, April 2008.