About me
Welcome to the home page of Dr. Shaikh Faruque Ali. Dr. Ali is a Newton International Fellow in the University of Swansea, Swansea, UK. Prior to this he was a Post-doctoral research fellow in Automatic Control Laboratory, IUT-Longwy, CRAN-CNRS, Nancy Universit�, France. Dr. Ali obtained his doctorate in the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Dr. Ali completed his B.E. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2003.
Dr. Ali's current research area is Structural Control, wherein he is particularly interested in semi-active vibration control using magneto-rheological devices. Hs works include both development of suitable control algorithms for civil structures and its experimental verification. His interest surrounds techniques borrowed from intelligent methods, like fuzzy logic, artificial neural network, genetic algorithms etc. He is also interested in backstepping design and optimal dynamic inversion techniques.
Dr. Ali is also interested in control of infinite dimensional systems and control applications to bio-medical and biotechnical systems.
Detailed descriptions of research works that Dr. Ali has been involved in these years are available on research and publications pages.