- Under
- Accepted/In press
Published in:
- Under Review
- Accepted
Published in:
Year by year summary
Research Impact Analysis
Edited Books / Sections
Adhikari, S., Dutta, A., and Choudhury, S. Advances in Structural Technologies: Select Proceedings of CoAST 2019 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Book 81) , Springer, UK, 2020.
See the book in:
Adhikari, S., Bhattacharjee, B., and Bhattacharjee, J. Advances in Structural Engineering and Rehabilitation: Select Proceedings of TRACE 2018 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Book 38) , Springer, UK, 2019.
See the book in:
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, S., Mathematical Methods in Encyclopaedia of Earthquake Engineering, Springer, UK, 2015.
Book Chapters
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Lattice and continuum-based modeling of 2D materials",
Synthesis, Modelling and Characterization of 2D Materials and their Heterostructures (Micro & Nano Technologies),
Edited by Eui-Hyeok Yang, Dibakar Datta, Junjun Ding and Grzegorz Hader, Elsevier, 2020.
Metya, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, G.,
"Efficient System Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes based on Support Vector Machine Regression Model",
Neural Computation in Engineering and Science,
Edited by P Samui, Elsevier, 2017.
- Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic Response Statistics of Damped Stochastic Oscillatory Systems (15 pages)",
Computational Stochastic Mechanics (CSM 7),
Edited by G. Deodatis and P. D. Spanos, Research Publishing Services, 2016.
- Adhikari, S.,
"Boron Nitride Nanotubes as Bio-nanosensors (19 pages)",
Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Nanomedicine,
Edited by Gianni Ciofani and Virgilio Mattoli, Elsevier, 2015.
- Adhikari, S., Structures with Non-viscous Damping:
Modeling and Analysis (14 pages), in the
Encyclopaedia of Earthquake Engineering, Edited by Beer, M., Kougioumtzoglou, I.A., Patelli, E., Au, I.S.-K., Springer-Verlag, 2015.
- Adhikari, S. and M. I. Friswell,
"Random excitation of bistable harvesters",
in the
Advances in Energy Harvesting Methods,
Edited by Niell Elvin and Alper Erturk, Springer, 2013.
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic structural dynamics using frequency adaptive basis functions",
in the
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM - 2012),
Edited by Chakraborty, Subrata; Bhattacharya, Gautam, Springer, 2013.
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"A novel reduced spectral function approach for finite element analysis of stochastic dynamical systems",
in the
Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics: Volume 2,
Edited by Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou, Vissarion Papadopoulos, published by Springer, 2012.
- Adhikari, S. and Pastur, L.,
"Extremely strong convergence of eigenvalue-density of linear stochastic dynamical systems",
in the
IUTAM Symposium on the Vibration Analysis of Structures with Uncertainties, Edited by Belyaev, Alexander K.; Langley, Robin S., published by Springer, 2010.
- Adhikari, S., A Vector-Space Approach for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis, in the
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, J.M. Adam, F.J. Pallares, R. Bru and M.L. Romero,
published by Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2010. ISBN 9781905088386.
- Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S., Frequency response of stochastic dynamic systems: A modal approach, in the
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, J.M. Adam, F.J. Pallares, R. Bru and M.L. Romero,
published by Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2010. ISBN 9781905088386.
- Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Shaped modal sensors for uncertain dynamical systems", in the
IUTAM Symposium on Multi-Functional Material Structures and Systems, Edited by Dattaguru, B.; Gopalakrishnan, Srinivasan; Aatre, V. K., published by Springer, 2010.
- Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S., Gaussian process emulators for dynamical systems with random parameters, in the
Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems, Edited by Hitoshi Furuta, Dan Frangopol, Masanobu Shinozuka ,
published by CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2009.
- Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S., Bayesian Emulators and the Stochastic Finite Element Method, in the
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Edited by M. Papadrakakis and B.H.V. Topping,
published by Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.89.
- Adhikari, S., Models, Verification, validation, identification and stochastic eigenvalue problems (60 pages),
in Mechanical vibrations: Where Do we stand?, Edited by I. Elishakoff,
Springer Wien, New York, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-211-68586-0.
- Adhikari, S., Asymptotic methods for reliability analysis of very large systems (12 pages), in
Wiley Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Edited by Simon Paul Wilson, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007.
- Bhattacharya, S. and Adhikari, S., Damping and resonance of piled foundations in liquefied soil during strong earthquakes, in
Foundation design in seismic areas: Principles and some applications, Edited by G. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya,
published by National Information Centre for Earthquake Engineering (NICEE), India, 2007.
- Bhattacharya, S. and Adhikari, S., Dynamic behaviour of piled foundations in liquefied soil during strong earthquakes, in
Design of Foundations in Seismic
Areas: Principles and Applications, Edited by Subhamoy Bhattacharya, to be
published by National Information Centre for Earthquake Engineering (NICEE), India, 2007.
- Khalil, M., Adhikari, S. and Sarkar, A., Identification of Damping Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, in the
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro,
published by Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2006.
- Wagg D. J., Adhikari, S., On the Dynamics of a Duffing Oscillator with an Exponential Non-Viscous Damping Model, in the
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro,
published by Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, 2006.
Refereed Journal Papers
Accepted/In press
Kasinos, S., Palmeri, A., Lombardo, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"A reduced modal subspace approach for damped stochastic dynamic systems",
Computers and Structures.
Adhikari, S. and Banerjee, A.,
"Enhanced low-frequency vibration energy harvesting with inertial amplifiers",
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures.
Lakshminarayana, S., Adhikari, S. and Maple, C.,
"Analysis of IoT-based load altering attacks against power grids using the theory of second-order dynamical systems",
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Singh, S. K., Banerjee, A., Verma, R. K., Adhikari, S. and Das, S.,
"Static and dynamic analysis of homogeneous micropolar-Cosserat panels",
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.
Chatterjee, T., Chowdhury, R., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"A global two-layer meta-model for response statistics in robust design optimization",
Engineering Optimization.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dual-mass electromagnetic energy harvesting from galloping oscillations",
Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
Adhikari, S. and Chakraborty, S.,
"Random matrix eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics: An iterative approach",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
164[2] (2022), pp. 108260.
Chatterjee, T., Karlicic, D., Adhikari, S. and Friswel, M. I.,
"Wave propagation in randomly parameterized 2D lattices via machine learning",
Composite Structures,
275[11] (2021), pp. 114386.
Muherkee, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"A general analytical framework for the mechanics of heterogeneous hexagonal lattices",
Thin-Walled Structures,
167[10] (2021), pp. 108188.
Pryse, S. E. and Adhikari, S.,
"Neumann enriched polynomial chaos approach for stochastic finite element problems",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
66[10] (2021), pp. 103157.
Chatterjee, T., Chakraborty, S., Goswami, S., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Robust topological designs for extreme metamaterial micro-structures",
Nature Scientific Reports,
11[7] (2021), pp. 15221.
Banerjee, A., Adhikari, S., Hussein, M. I.,
"Inertial amplification band-gap generation by coupling a levered mass with a locally resonant mass",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
207[10] (2021), pp. 106630.
Adhikari, S.,
"Exact transcendental stiffness matrices of general beam-columns embedded in elastic mediums",
Computers and Structures,
255[10] (2021), pp. 106617.
Adhikari, S.,
"The eigenbuckling analysis of hexagonal lattices: Closed-form solutions",
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series - A,
477[2251] (2021), pp. 20210244.
Patrick, J., Adhikari, S. and Hussein, M.,
"Brillouin-zone characterization of piezoelectric material intrinsic energy harvesting capacity",
Smart Materials and Structures,
30[8] (2021), pp. 085022.
Jiang, Y., Zhao, C. Wang, L., Zhou, H, Tang, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability evaluation based on multiple response surfaces method considering construction uncertainties of cable tension for a hybrid roof structure",
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering,
7[3] (2021), pp. 04021033.
Cajic, M., Christensen, J. and Adhikari, S.,
"Tuning of topological interface modes in an elastic beam array system with inerters",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
205[9] (2021), pp. 106573.
Singh, S. K., Banerjee, A., Verma, R. K. and Adhikari, S.,
"Spectral element formulation for damped transversely isotropic Micropolar-Cosserat layered composite panels",
Mechanics of Materials,
160[9] (2021), pp. 103898.
Zhou, H., Jiang, Y., Adhikari, S., Yin Q. and Cai, J.,
"Comparisons of design methods for beam string structure based on reliability and progressive collapse analysis",
33[10] (2021), pp. 2166-2176.
Adhikari, S.,
"The in-plane mechanical properties of highly compressible and stretchable 2D lattices",
Composite Structures,
9[6] (2021), pp. 589.
Bhattacharya, S., Lombardi, D., Amani, S., Aleem, M., Prakhya, G., Adhikari, S.,
Abdullahi, A., Alexander, N., Wang, Y., Cui, L., Jalbi, S., Pakrashi, V. and Li, W.,
"Physical modelling of offshore wind turbine foundations for TRL (Technology Readiness Level) studies",
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,
9[6] (2021), pp. 589.
Chowdhury, S., Banerjee, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Enhanced seismic base isolation using inertial amplifiers",
33[10] (2021), pp. 1340-1353.
Dwivedi, A., Banerjee, A., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, B.,
"Optimal electromechanical bandgaps in piezo-embedded mechanical metamaterials",
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design,
17[5] (2021), pp. 419-439.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Naskar, S., Gupta, K. K., Kumar, R., Dey, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Probing the stochastic dynamics of coronaviruses: Machine learning assisted deep computational insights with exploitable dimensions",
Advanced Theory and Simulations,
4[7] (2021), pp. 2000291.
Liu, X., Zhao, X., Adhikari, S. and Liu, X.,
"Stochastic dynamic stiffness for damped taught membranes",
Computers and Structures,
248[5] (2021), pp. 106483.
Adhikari, S.,, Mukhopadhyay, T., and Liu, X.,
"Broadband dynamic elastic moduli of honeycomb lattice materials: A generalized analytical approach",
Mechanics of Materials,
157[6] (2021), pp. 103796.
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, S.,
"A general frequency adaptive framework for damped response analysis of wind turbines",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
143[2] (2021), pp. 106605.
Cajic, M., Karlicic, D., Paunovic, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bloch waves in an array of elastically connected periodic slender structures",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
155[6] (2021), pp. 107591.
Chatterjee, T., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Multi-level decomposition framework for reliability assessment of assembled stochastic linear structural systems",
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering,
7[1] (2021), pp. 04021003.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M., Paunovic, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Periodic response of a nonlinear axially moving beam with a nonlinear energy sink and piezoelectric attachment",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
195[4] (2021), pp. 106230.
Singh, A., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, B.,
"Voltage-dependent modulation of elastic moduli in lattice metamaterials: Emergence of a programmable state-transition capability",
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
208-209[1] (2021), pp. 31-48.
Adhikari, S., Karlicic, D. and Liu, X.,
"Dynamic stiffness method for nonlocal damped nano-beams on elastic foundation",
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,
86[3-4] (2021), pp. 104144.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M., Chatterjee, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Wave propagation in mass embedded and pre-stressed hexagonal lattices",
Composite Structures,
256[1] (2021), pp. 113087.
Chakraborty, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Machine learning based digital twin for dynamical systems with multiple time-scales",
Computers and Structures,
243[1] (2021), pp. 106410.
Chakraborty, S., Adhikari, S. and Ganguli, R.,
"The role of surrogate models in the development of digital twin of dynamic systems",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
90[2] (2021), pp. 662-681.
Chatterjee, T., Karlicic, D., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Gaussian process assisted stochastic dynamic analysis of near-periodic structures",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
149[2] (2021), pp. 107218.
Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"A multimodal approach for simultaneous mass and rotary inertia sensing from vibrating cantilever nanobeams",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
125[1] (2021), pp. 114366.
Gupta, V., Adhikari, S., Bhattacharya, B.,
"Exploring the dynamics of hourglass shaped lattice metastructures",
Nature Scientific Reports,
10[12] (2020), pp. 20943.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Naskar, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Probing the effective Young's Modulus of 'Magic Angle' inspired multi-functional twisted nano-heterostructures",
Advanced Theory and Simulations,
3[10] (2020), pp. 2000129.
Karlicic, D., Chatterjee, T., Cajic, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Parametrically amplified Mathieu-Duffing nonlinear energy harvesters",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
488[12] (2020), pp. 115677.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Naskar, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Anisotropy tailoring in geometrically isotropic multi-material lattices",
Extreme Mechanics Letters,
40[10] (2020), pp. 100934.
Malaji, P., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S. and Litak, G.,
"Enhancement of harvesting capability of coupled nonlinear energy harvesters through high energy orbits",
AIP Advances,
10[8] (2020), pp. 085315.
Cajic, M., Karlicic, D., Paunovic, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"A fractional calculus approach to metadamping in phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials",
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
47[1] (2020), pp. 81-97.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M., Paunovic, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlinear energy harvesters with coupled Duffing's oscillators",
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
91[12] (2020), pp. 105394.
Bhaskar, J., Sharma, A., Bhattacharya, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"A review on shape memory alloy reinforced polymer composite materials and structures",
Smart Materials and Structures,
29[7] (2020), pp. 073001.
Chatterjee, T., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Uncertainty propagation in dynamic sub-structuring by model reduction integrated domain decomposition",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
366[7] (2020), pp. 113060.
Adhikari, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Shaw, A. and Lavery, N. P.,
"Apparent negative values of Young's moduli of lattice materials under dynamic conditions",
International Journal of Engineering Science,
150[5] (2020), pp. 103231.
Chandra, Y., Adhikari, S., Saavedra Flores. E. I. and Figiel, L.,
"Advances in finite element modelling of graphene and associated nanostructures",
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports,
140[4] (2020), pp. 100544:1-39.
Adhikari, S., Bhattacharya, B. and Rastogi, A.,
"Piezoelectric vortex induced vibration energy harvesting in a random flow field",
Smart Materials and Structures,
29[3] (2020), pp. 035034.
Chandra, Y., Saavedra Flores. E. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Buckling of 2D nano hetero structures with moire patterns",
Computational Materials Science,
177[5] (2020), pp. 109507.
Chandra, Y., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S., and Figiel, L.,
"Size-dependent dynamic characteristics of graphene based multi-layer nano hetero-structures",
31[14] (2020), pp. 145705.
Ganguli, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"The digital twin of discrete dynamic systems: Initial approaches and future challenges",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
77[2] (2020), pp. 1110-1128.
Jacquelin, E., Brizard, D., Adhikari, S., and Friswell, M. I.,
"Time-domain response of damped stochastic multiple-degree-of-freedom systems",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
228[7] (2020), pp. 1635-1646.
Martinez-Ayuso, G., Friswell, M. I., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.
"Experimental validation of an impact off-resonance energy harvester",
The European Physical Journal Special Topics,
228[7] (2019), pp. 1635-1646.
Mukhopadhyay, T. Adhikari, S. and Alu, A.,
"Theoretical limits for negative elastic moduli in sub-acoustic lattice materials",
Physical Review B,
99[9] (2019), pp. 094108.
Batou, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Optimal parameters of viscoelastic tuned-mass dampers",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
445[4] (2019), pp. 17-28.
Mukhopadhyay, T.. and Adhikari, S. and Alu, A.,
"Probing the frequency-dependent elastic moduli of lattice materials",
Acta Materialia,
165[2] (2019), pp. 654-665.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Naskar, S., Dey, T. K., Chalak, H. D. and Adhikari, S.,
"Probabilistic characterization for dynamics and stability of laminated soft core sandwich plates",
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials,
21[1] (2019), pp. 366-397.
Scarth, C., Adhikari, S., Cabral, P. H., Silva, G. H. C. and Prado, A. P.,
"Random field simulation over curved surfaces: Applications to computational structural mechanics",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
345[3] (2019), pp. 283-301.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Batou, A.,
"Frequency domain homogenization for the viscoelastic properties of spatially correlated quasi-periodic lattices",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
150[1] (2019), pp. 784-806.
Pryse, S. E., Kundu, A., and Adhikari, S.,
"Projection methods for stochastic dynamic systems: A frequency domain approach",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
338[8] (2018), pp. 412-439.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Adhikari, S. and Asle Zaeem, M.,
"Probing the shear modulus of two-dimensional multiplanar nanostructures and heterostructures",
10[11] (2018), pp. 5280-5294.
Machado, M. R., Adhikari, S. and Dos Santos J. M. C.,
"Spectral element method for a one-dimensional damaged structure with distributed random properties",
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,
40[8] (2018), pp. 415:1-16.
Zhang, D. P., Lei, Y., and Adhikari, S.,
"Flexoelectric effect on vibration responses of piezoelectric nanobeams embedded in viscoelastic medium based on nonlocal elasticity theory",
Acta Mechanica,
229[6] (2018), pp. 2379-2392.
Pryse, S. E., Adhikari, S. and Kundu, A.,
"Sample-based and sample-aggregated Galerkin projection schemes for structural dynamics",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
54[10] (2018), pp. 118-130.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic stability of a nonlinear multiple-nanobeam systems",
Nonlinear Dynamics,
93[4] (2018), pp. 1495-1517.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Minimising the effects of manufacturing uncertainties in MEMS Energy harvesters",
149[4] (2018), pp. 990-999.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Sahu, S. K. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic dynamic stability analysis of composite curved panels subjected to non-uniform partial edge loading",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
67[1-2] (2018), pp. 108-122.
Machado, M. R., Adhikari, S., Dos Santos J. M. C. and Arruda, J. R. F.,
"Estimation of beam material random field properties via sensitivity-based model updating using experimental frequency response functions",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
102[3] (2018), pp. 180-197.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Adhikari, S. and Asle Zaeem, M.,
"Effective mechanical properties of multilayer nano-heterostructures",
Nature Scientific Reports,
(2017), pp. 15818:1-13.
Adhikari, S.,
"Inertial mass sensing with low Q-factor vibrating microcantilevers",
Journal of Applied Physics,
122[10] (2017), pp. 144304:1-15.
Scarth, C. and Adhikari, S.,
"Modelling spatially varying uncertainty in composite structures using lamination parameters",
AIAA Journal,
55[11] (2017), pp. 3951-3965.
Haddad Khodaparast, H, Govers, Y., Dayyani, I., Adhikari, S., Link, M., Friswell, M. I., Mottershead, J. E. and Sienz, J.,
"Fuzzy finite element model updating of the DLR AIRMOD test structure",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
52[12] (2017), pp. 512-526.
Pryse, S. E. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic finite element response analysis using random eigenfunction expansion",
Computers and Structures,
192[11] (2017), pp. 1-15.
Jacquelin, E., Dessombz, O., Sinou, J.-J., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Polynomial chaos based eXtended Pade expansion in structural dynamics",
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
111[12] (2017), pp. 1170-11791.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effective in-plane elastic properties of quasi-random spatially irregular hexagonal lattices",
International Journal of Engineering Science,
119[10] (2017), pp. 142-179.
Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, T., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"A surrogate based multi-fidelity approach for robust design optimization",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
47[7] (2017), pp. 726-744.
Martinez-Ayuso, G., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Khodaparast, H. H. and Berger, H.,
"Homogenization of porous piezoelectrical materials",
International Journal of Solid and Structures,
113-114[5] (2017), pp. 218-229.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M., Adhikari, S., Kozic, P. and Murmu, T.,
"Vibrating nonlocal multi-nanoplate system under inplane magnetic field",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
64[7-8] (2017), pp. 29-45.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Metamodel based high-fidelity stochastic analysis of composite laminates: A concise review with critical comparative assessment",
Composite Structures,
171[7] (2017), pp. 227-250.
Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, T., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Robust design optimization for crashworthiness of vehicle side impact",
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering,
3[3] (2017), pp. 031002:1-9.
Boulkaibet, I., Mthembua, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element model updating using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo technique",
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering,
25[7] (2017), pp. 1042-1070.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Chakraborty, S. Dey, S. and Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"A critical assessment of Kriging model variants for high-fidelity uncertainty quantification in dynamics of composite shells",
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering,
24[3] (2017), pp. 495-518.
Metya, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, G.,
"System reliability analysis of soil slopes with general slip surfaces using multivariate adaptive regression splines",
Computers and Geotechnics,
87[7] (2017), pp. 212-228.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Asle Zaeem, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effective elastic properties of two dimensional multiplanar hexagonal nano-structures",
2D Materials,
4[2] (2017), pp. 025006:1-15.
Pryse, S. E. and Adhikari, S.,
"Eigenfunction expansion based galerkin approaches for stochastic finite element analysis",
Meccanica dei Materiali e delle Strutture,
6[1] (2017), pp. 74-81.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic mechanics of metamaterials",
Composite Structures,
162[2] (2017), pp. 85-97.
Machado, M. R., Adhikari, S. and Dos Santos J. M. C.,
"A spectral approach for damage quantification in stochastic dynamic systems",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
88[5] (2017), pp. 253-273.
Naskar, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Sriramula, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic natural frequency analysis of damaged thin-walled laminated composite beams with uncertainty in micromechanical properties",
Composite Structures,
160[1] (2017), pp. 312-334.
Khodaparast, H. H., Madinei, H., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Coggon, S. and Cooper, J.,
"An extended harmonic balance method based on incremental nonlinear control parameters",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
85[2] (2017), pp. 716-729.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Dey, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Probabilistic analysis and design of HCP nano-wires: An efficient surrogate based molecular dynamics simulation approach",
Journal of Materials Science & Technology,
32[12] (2016), pp. 1345-1351.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Sahu, S. K.. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effect of cutout on stochastic natural frequency of composite curved panels",
Composites Part B,
105[11] (2016), pp. 188-202.
Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J.-J. and Friswell, M. I.,
"The role of roots of orthogonal polynomials in the dynamic response of stochastic systems",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
142[8] (2016), pp. 06016004:1-8.
Garcia-Macias, E., Castro-Triguero, R., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S. and Saez, A.,
"Metamodel-based approach for stochastic free vibration analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced plates",
Composite Structures,
152[9] (2016), pp. 183-198.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Adhikari, S. Friswell, M. I.
"Design of MEMS piezoelectric harvesters with electrostatically adjustable resonance frequency",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
81[12] (2016), pp. 360-374.
Malaji, P. V., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Analysis of harvesting energy from mistuned multiple harvesters with and without coupling",
Procedia Engineering,
144[6] (2016), pp. 621-628.
Chandra, Y., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., Zhang, J., Saavedra Flores, E. I. and Peng, H.-X.,
"Pullout strength of graphene and carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites",
Composites Part B,
102[10] (2016), pp. 1-8.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Mahata, A., Dey, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Probabilistic analysis and design of HCP nanowires: An efficient surrogate based molecular dynamics simulation approach",
Journal of Materials Science Technology,
32[12] (2016), pp. 1345-1351.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S., Spickenheuer, A. and Gohs, U.,
"Uncertainty quantification in natural frequency of composite plates - An Artificial neural network based approach",
Advanced Composite Letter,
25[2] (2016), pp. 43-48.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B.,
"The 'damping effect' in the dynamic response of stochastic oscillators",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
44[4] (2016), pp. 2-17.
Chandra, Y., Saavedra Flores, E. I., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S.,
"Buckling of hybrid nanocomposites with embedded graphene and carbon nanotubes",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
83[9] (2016), pp. 434-441.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Free vibration of sandwich panels with randomly irregular honeycomb core",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
141[6] (2016), pp. 06016008:1-5.
Mahata, A., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"A polynomial chaos expansion based molecular dynamics study for probabilistic strength analysis of nano-twinned copper",
Materials Research Express,
3[3] (2016), pp. 036501:1-13.
Litak, G., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Regular and chaotic vibration in a piezoelectric energy harvester",
51[5] (2016), pp. 1017-1025.
Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal mechanics based computational methods for nanomechanical sensors",
Procedia Technology,
23[2] (2016), pp. 7-19.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Equivalent in-plane elastic properties of irregular honeycombs: An analytical approach",
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
91[8] (2016), pp. 169-184.
Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I., Litak, G. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"Design and Analysis of Vibration Energy Harvesters Based on Peak Response Statistics",
Smart Materials and Structures,
25[6] (2016), pp. 065009:1-16
Syta, A., Litak, G., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Multiple solutions and corresponding power output of a nonlinear bistable piezoelectric energy harvester",
European Physical Journal B,
89[4] (2016), pp. 99:1-7.
Dey, S., Naskar, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Gohs, U., Spickenheuer, A., Bittric, L., Adhikari, S. and Heinrich, G.,
"Uncertain natural frequency analysis of composite plates including effect of noise - A polynomial neural network approach",
Composite Structures,
143[5] (2016), pp. 130-142.
Jacquelin, E., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Dessombz, O. and Sinou, J.-J.,
"Polynomial chaos expansion with random and fuzzy variables",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
75[6] (2016), pp. 41-56.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"Fuzzy uncertainty propagation in composites using Gram-Schmidt polynomial chaos expansion",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
40[7-8] (2016), pp. 4412-4428.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effective in-plane elastic properties of auxetic honeycombs with spatial irregularity",
Mechanics of Materials,
95[2] (2016), pp. 204-222.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Spickenheuer, A., Adhikari, S. and Heinrich, G.,
"Bottom up surrogate based approach for stochastic frequency response analysis of laminated composite plates",
Composite Structures,
140[4] (2016), pp. 712-727.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Naskar, S., Dey, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"On quantifying the effect of noise in surrogate based stochastic free vibration analysis of laminated composite shallow shells",
Composite Structures,
140[4] (2016), pp. 798-805.
Chandrashaker, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Quantification of vibration localization in periodic structures",
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
138[2] (2016), pp. 021002:1-9.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"A response surface modelling approach for resonance driven reliability based optimization of composite shells",
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering,
60[1] (2016), pp. 103-111.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Chowdhury, R., Chakrabarti, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Optimum design of FRP bridge deck: an efficient RS-HDMR based approach",
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization,
52[3] (2015), pp. 459-477.
Dey, S., Sarkar, S., Karmakar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effect of twist and rotation on vibration of functionally graded conical shells",
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design,
11[4] (2015), pp. 425-437.
Beaverstock, C., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Richardson, T. S. and Du Bois, J. L.,
"Automatic mode tracking in flight mechanics using a spanning algorithm",
Aerospace Science and Technology,
47[12] (2015), pp. 54-67.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Adhikari, S. Friswell, M. I., Fazeli, M.,
"An adaptively tuned piezoelectric MEMS vibration energy harvester using an electrostatic device",
European Physical Journal Special Topics (EPJ-ST),
224[14] (2015), pp. 2703-2717.
Karlicic, D., Kozic, P., Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration insight of a nonlocal viscoelastic coupled multi-nanorod system",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
54[12] (2015), pp. 132-145.
Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J.-J. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Polynomial chaos expansion in structural dynamics: Accelerating the convergence of the first two statistical moment sequences",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
356[11] (2015), pp. 144-154.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"Stochastic natural frequency of composite conical shells",
Acta Mechanica,
226[8] (2015), pp. 2537-2553.
Arany, L., Bhattacharya, S., Adhikari, S., Hogan, J. and Macdonald, J.,
"An analytical model to predict the natural frequency of offshore wind turbines on three-spring flexible foundations using two different beam models",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
74[1] (2015), pp. 40-45.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Sahu, S. K., Li, G., Rabitz, H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Thermal uncertainty quantification in frequency responses of laminated composite plates",
Composite Part B,
80[6] (2015), pp. 186-197.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Adhikari, S. Khodaparast, H. H. and Kerfriden, P.,
"Rotational and ply-level uncertainty in response of composite conical shells",
Composite Structures,
131[6] (2015), pp. 594-605.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M., Murmu, T., Kozic, P. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal longitudinal vibration of a complex multi-nanorod system affected by transversal magnetic field",
50[6] (2015), pp. 1605-1621.
Vijayan, K., Friswell, M. I., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Non-linear energy harvesting from coupled impacting beams",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
96-97[6] (2015), pp. 101-109.
Karlicic, D., Kozic, P., Adhikari, S., Cajic, M., Murmu, T. and Lazarevic, M.,
"Nonlocal biosensor based on the damped vibration of single-layer graphene influenced by in-plane magnetic field",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
96-97[6] (2015), pp. 132-142.
Adhikari, S., Murmu, T., Gilchrist, D. J. E. and McCarthy, M. A.,
"Nonlocal normal modes for nanoscale dynamical systems",
Mechanical System and Signal Processing,
60-61[8] (2015), pp. 583-603.
Friswell, M. I., Bilgen, O., Ali, S. F., Litak, G. and Adhikari, S.,
"The effect of noise on the response of a vertical cantilever beam energy harvester",
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM),
95[5] (2015), pp. 433-443.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A., Adhikari, S. and Poirel, D.,
"The estimation of time-invariant parameters of noisy nonlinear oscillatory systems",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
344[5] (2015), pp. 81-100.
Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S., Sinou, J.-J. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Polynomial chaos expansion and steady-state response of a class of random dynamical systems",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
141[4] (2015), pp. 04014145:1-9.
Saavedra Flores, E. I., Ajaj, R. M., Adhikari, S., Dayyani, I. and Castro-Triguero, R.,
"Hyperelastic tension of graphene",
Applied Physics Letters,
106[6] (2015), pp. 061901:1-4.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic free vibration analyses of composite doubly curved shells - A Kriging model approach",
Composites Part B: Engineering,
70[3] (2015), pp. 99-112.
Kundu, A., Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I.,
"Transient response analysis of randomly parametrized finite element systems based on approximate balanced reduction",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
285[3] (2015), pp. 542-570.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic free vibration analysis of angle-ply composite plates - A RS-HDMR approach",
Composite Structures,
122[4] (2015), pp. 526-536.
Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic analysis of stochastic structural systems using frequency adaptive spectral functions",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
39[1] (2015), pp. 23-38.
Ghavanloo, E., Fazelzadeh, S.A. , Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Radial breathing-mode frequency of elastically confined spherical nanoparticles subjected to circumferential magnetic field",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
66[2] (2015), pp. 228-233.
Boulkaibet, I., Mthembua, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element model updating using the shadow hybrid Monte Carlo technique",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
52-53[1] (2015), pp. 115-132.
Dey, S., Adhikari, S. and Karmakar, A.,
"Impact response of functionally graded conical shells",
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures,
12[1] (2015), pp. 133-152.
Karlicic, D., Cajic,M., Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal longitudinal vibration of viscoelastically coupled double-nanorod systems",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
49[1] (2015), pp. 183-196.
Borowiec, B., Litak, G., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Energy harvesting in a nonlinear cantilever piezoelastic beam system excited by random vertical vibrations",
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,
14[8] (2014), pp. 1440018:1-13.
Lei, Y., Murmu, T., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Asymptotic frequencies of various damped nonlocal beams and plates",
Mechanics Research Communication,
62[1] (2014), pp. 94-101.
Karlicic, D., Adhikari, S., Murmu, T. and Cajic, M.,
"Exact closed-form solution for non-local vibration and biaxial buckling of bonded multi-nanoplate system",
Composites Part B: Engineering,
66[2] (2014), pp. 328-339.
Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Stochastic finite elements of discretely parametrized random systems on domains with boundary uncertainty",
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
100[3] (2014), pp. 183-221.
Karlicic, D., Murmu, T., Cajic, M., Kozic, P. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamics of multiple viscoelastic carbon nanotube based nanocomposites with axial magnetic field",
Journal of Applied Physics,
115[23] (2014), pp. 234303:1-14.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"Surface effects on the electrostatic potential generated in a bent gallium nitride nanowire",
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,
13[3] (2014), pp. 600-606.
Murmu, T., Adhikari, S. and McCarthy, M.,
"Axial vibration of embedded nanorods under transverse magnetic field effects via nonlocal elastic continuum theory",
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,
11[5] (2014), pp. 1230-1236.
Ajaj, R. M., Friswell, M. I., Flores, E. I. S., Keane, A., Isikveren, A. T., Allegri, G. and Adhikari, S.,
"An integrated conceptual design study using span morphing technology",
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
25[8] (2014), pp. 989-1008.
Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"A spectral approach for fuzzy uncertainty propagation in finite element analysis",
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
243[1] (2014), pp. 1-24.
Kundu, A., Adhikari, S.,
"Transient response of structural dynamic systems with parametric uncertainty",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
140[2] (2014), pp. 315-331.
Kumar, P., Narayanan, S., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Fokker-Planck equation analysis of randomly excited nonlinear energy harvester",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
333[7] (2014), pp. 2040-2053.
Adhikari, S., Murmu, T. and McCarthy, M. A.,
"Frequency domain analysis of nonlocal rods embedded in an elastic medium",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
59[5] (2014), pp. 33-40.
DiazDelaO , F. A., Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"A hybrid spectral and metamodeling approach for the stochastic finite element analysis of structural dynamic systems",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
270[3] (2014), pp. 201-209.
Adhikari, S., Flores, E. I. S., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R. and Friswell, M. I.,
"A hybrid atomistic approach for the mechanics of deoxyribonucleic acid molecules",
ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine,
4[4] (2013), pp. 041006:1-7.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"Fracture and buckling of piezoelectric nanowires subject to an electric field",
Journal of Applied Physics,
114[17] (2013), pp. 174306:1-7.
Kam, K., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"Graphene nanofilm as pressure and force sensor: a mechanical analysis",
Physica Status Solidi B,
250[10] (2013), pp. 2085-2089.
Murmu, T., Adhikari, S., McCarthy, M. A. and Wang, C. Y.,
"Insights into relative lower frequencies and buckling loads of monolayer graphene sheets via nonlocal elasticity theory: size-dependent Young's modulus approach",
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,
5[10] (2013), pp. 1097-1102.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal mass nanosensors based on vibrating monolayer graphene sheets"
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical,
188[11] (2013), pp. 1319-1327.
Borowiec, B., Litak, G., Friswell, M. I., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S. and Lees, A. W. and Bilgen, O.,
"Energy harvesting in piezoelastic systems driven by random excitations",
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,
13[7] (2013), pp. 1340006:1-11
Lei, Y., Murmu, T., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Dynamic characteristics of damped viscoelastic nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beams",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
42[12] (2013), pp. 125-136.
Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Wave propagation in periodically supported nanoribbons: a nonlocal elasticity approach",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
135[4] (2013), pp. 041017:1-8.
Ali, S. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Energy harvesting dynamic vibration absorbers",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
80[4] (2013), pp. 041004:1-9.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"Molecular structure-dependent deformations in boron nitride nanostructures subject to an electrical filed",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
46[23] (2013), pp. 235303:1-6.
Lei, Y., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Vibration of nonlocal Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic damped Timoshenko beams",
International Journal of Engineering Science,
66-67[1] (2013), pp. 1-13.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Size and temperature dependent elastic and piezoelectric properties of gallium nitride nanobelts",
Scripta Materialia,
68[8] (2013), pp. 627-630.
DiazDelaO , F. A. and Adhikari, S., Flores, E. I. S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Stochastic structural dynamic analysis using Gaussian process emulators",
Computers and Structures,
120[1] (2013), pp. 24-32.
Chandra, Y., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Seinz, J.,
"Multiscale hybrid atomistic-FE approach for the nonlinear tensile behaviour of graphene nanocomposites",
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,
46[3] (2013), pp. 147-153.
Murmu, T., McCarthy, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"In-plane magnetic field affected transverse vibration of embedded single-layer graphene
sheets using equivalent nonlocal elasticity approach",
Composite Structures,
96[2] (2013), pp. 57-63.
Murmu, T., Seinz, J., Adhikari, S. and Arnold, C.,
"Nonlocal buckling of double-nanoplate-systems under biaxial compression",
Composites Part B: : Engineering,
44[1] (2013), pp. 8494.
Adhikari, S., Murmu, T. and McCarthy, M.,
"Dynamic finite element analysis of axially vibrating nonlocal rods",
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,
63[1] (2013), pp. 42-50.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Small-scale effect on the mechanical properties of metallic nanotubes",
Applied Physics Letters,
101[9] (2012), pp. 093109:1-4.
Papai, F., Adhikari, S. and Wang, B.,
"Estimation of modal dampings for unmeasured modes",
Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering,
20[4] (2012), pp. 17-27.
Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Combined parametric-nonparametric uncertainty quantification using random matrix theory and polynomial chaos expansion",
Computers & Structures,
112-113[12] (2012), pp. 364-379.
Friswell, M. I., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S., Lees, A.W. , Bilgen, O. and Litak, G.,
"Nonlinear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting from an inverted cantilever beam with tip mass",
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
23[3] (2012), pp. 1505-1521.
Litak, G., Friswell, M. I., Kitio Kwuimy, C. A., Adhikari, S. and Borowiec, B.,
"Energy harvesting by two magnetopiezoelastic oscillators with mistuning",
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters,
2[4] (2012), pp. 043009.
Murmu, T., McCarthy, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration response of double-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to an externally applied longitudinal magnetic field: A nonlocal elasticity approach",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
331[23] (2012), pp. 5069-5086.
Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Molecular-scale bio-sensing using armchair graphene",
Journal of Applied Physics,
112[1] (2012), pp. 014905:1-6.
Murmu, T., McCarthy, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal elasticity based magnetic field affected vibration response of double single-walled carbon nanotube systems",
Journal of Applied Physics,
111[11] (2011), pp. 113511:1-7.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Fuzzy parametric uncertainty analysis of linear dynamical systems: A surrogate modeling approach",
Mechanical System and Signal Processing,
32[10] (2012), pp. 5-17.
Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"A reduced polynomial chaos approach for stochastic finite element analysis",
Sādhanā - Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Engineering Sciences,
37[3] (2012), pp. 319-340.
Zhang, J., Wang, C. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"Surface effect on the buckling of piezoelectric nanofilms",
Journal of Physics D,
45[28] (2012), pp. 285301:1-8.
Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"Zeptogram sensing from gigahertz vibration: Graphene based nanosensor",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
44[7-8] (2012), pp. 1528-1534.
Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"A second-moment approach for direct probabilistic model updating in structural dynamics",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
29[5] (2012), pp. 262-283.
Murugan, S., Flores, E. I. S., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Optimal design of variable fiber spacing composites for morphing aircraft skins",
Composite Structures,
94[5] (2012), pp. 1626-1633.
Pascual, B., Adhikari, S.,
"Hybrid perturbation-polynomial chaos approaches to the random algebraic eigenvalue problem",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
217-220[1] (2012), pp. 153-167.
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, S.,
"Dynamic analysis of wind turbine towers on flexible foundations",
Shock and Vibration,
19[1] (2012), pp. 37-56.
Chandra, Y., Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., Seinz, J., Arnold, C., Murmu, T. and Bould, D.,
"Vibration frequency of graphene based composites: A multiscale approach",
Materials Science and Engineering B,
177[3] (2012), pp. 303-310.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal elasticity based vibration of initially pre-stressed coupled nanobeam systems",
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,
34[1] (2012), pp. 52-62.
Murugan, S., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Helicopter aeroelastic analysis with spatially uncertain rotor blade properties",
Aerospace Science and Technology,
16[1] (2012), pp. 29-39.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Rees, P.,
"Zigzag graphene nanoribbon single-electron transistors",
Physica B: Condensed Matter,
407[5] (2012), pp. 855-858.
Diaz De la O , F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian assimilation of multi-fidelity finite element models",
Computers and Structures,
92-93[2] (2012), pp. 206-215.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal frequency analysis of nanoscale biosensors",
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical,
173[1] (2012), pp. 41-48.
Adhikari, S., Pastur, L., Lytova, A. and Du Bois, J. L.,
"Eigenvalue-density of linear stochastic dynamical systems: A random matrix approach",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
331[5] (2012), pp. 1042-1058.
Ali, S. F., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Analysis of energy harvesters for highway bridges",
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
22[16] (2011), pp. 1929-1938.
Boldrin, L., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Ruzzene, M.,
"Effective mechanical properties of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets",
22[50] (2011), pp. 505702:1-7.
Murmu, T., Seinz, J., Adhikari, S. and Arnold, C.,
"Nonlocal buckling behaviour of bonded double-nanoplate-system",
Journal of Applied Physics,
110[8] (2011), pp. 084316:1-8.
Flores, E. I. S., Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I. and Scarpa, F.,
"Hyperelastic axial buckling of single wall carbon nanotubes",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
44[2] (2011), pp. 525-529.
Palmeri, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"A Galerkin-type state-space approach for transverse vibrations of slender double-beam systems with viscoelastic inner layer",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
330[26] (2011), pp. 6372-6386.
Chandra, Y., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Scarpa, F.,
"Elastic instability of bilayer graphene using atomistic finite element",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
44[1] (2011), pp. 12-16.
Jacquelin, E., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Piezoelectric device for impact energy harvesting",
Smart Materials and Structures,
20[10] (2011), pp. 105008:1-12.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal vibration of bonded double-nanoplate-systems",
Composites Part B: Engineering,
42[7] (2011), pp. 1901-1911.
Litak, G., Borowiec, B., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Energy harvesting in a magnetopiezoelastic system driven by random excitations with uniform and Gaussian distributions",
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
49[3] (2011), pp. 757-764.
Mthembu, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Model selection in finite element model updating using the Bayesian evidence statistic",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
25[7] (2011), pp. 2399-2412.
Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., Kam, K., Adhikari, S. and Ruzzene, M.,
"Dynamics of mechanical waves in periodic graphene nanoribbon assemblies",
Nanoscale Research Letters,
6 (2011), pp. 430:1-10.
Adhikari, S., "Doubly spectral stochastic finite element method (DSSFEM) for structural dynamics", ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering,
24[3] (2011), pp. 264-276.
Diaz De la O , F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Gaussian process emulators for the stochastic finite element method",
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
87[6] (2011), pp. 521-540.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Boron nitride nanotubes as zeptogram-scale bio-nano sensors: Theoretical investigations",
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,
10[4] (2011), pp. 659-667.
Chandra, Y., Chowdhury, R., Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibrational characteristics of bilayer graphene sheets",
Thin Solid Films,
519[18] (2011), pp. 6026-6032.
Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"Vibration spectra of fullerene family",
Physics Letters A,
375[22] (2011), pp. 1276-1280.
Murmu, T., Adhikari, S. and Wang, C. W.,
"Torsional vibration of carbon nanotube-buckyball systems based on nonlocal elasticity theory",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
43[6] (2011), pp. 1276-1280.
Wang, C. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"ZnO-CNT composite nanowires as nanoresonators",
Physics Letters A,
375[22] (2011), pp. 2171-2175.
Adhikari, S.,
"An iterative approach for nonproportionally damped systems",
Mechanics Research Communications,
38[3] (2011), pp. 226-230.
Du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"On the quantification of eigenvalue curve veering: A veering index",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
78[4] (2011), pp. 041007:1-8.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Scarpa, F. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Transverse vibration of single layer graphene sheets",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
44[20] (2011), pp. 205401:1-11.
Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Thickness and in-plane elasticity of Graphane",
Physics Letters A,
375[20] (2011), pp. 2071-2074.
Wang, C. W., Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Mechanisms of nonlocal effect on the vibration of nanoplates",
Applied Physics Letters,
98[15] (2011), pp. 153101:1-3.
Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I. and Narayanan, S.,
"The analysis of piezomagnetoelastic energy harvesters under broadband random excitations",
Journal of Applied Physics,
109[7] (2011), pp. 074904:1-8.
Adhikari, S.,
"A reduced spectral function approach for the stochastic finite element analysis",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
200[21-22] (2011), pp. 1804-1821.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability analysis of uncertain dynamical systems using correlated function expansion",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
53[4] (2011), pp. 281-285.
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, S., "Vibrations of wind-turbines considering soil-structure interaction", Wind and Structures, An International Journal,
14[2] (2011), pp. 85-112.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B.,
"Iterative methods for eigenvalues of viscoelastic systems",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
33[2] (2011), pp. 021002:1-7.
Bhattacharya, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Experimental validation of soil-structure interaction of offshore wind turbines",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
31[5-6] (2011), pp. 805-816.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal vibration of carbon nanotubes with attached buckyballs at tip",
Mechanics Research Communications,
38[1] (2011), pp. 62-67.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Scarpa, F.,
"Vibrational analysis of ZnO nanotubes: A molecular mechanics approach",
Applied Physics A,
102[2] (2011), pp. 301-308.
Kerfriden, P., Gosselet, P, Adhikari, S. and Bordas, S.,
"Bridging the proper orthogonal decomposition methods and augmented Newton-Krylov algorithms: An adaptive model order reduction for highly nonlinear mechanical problems",
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
200[5-8] (2011), pp. 850-866.
Adhikari, S., Chowdhury, R. and Friswell, M. I.,
"High dimensional model representation method for fuzzy structural dynamics",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
330[7] (2011), pp. 1516-1529.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Rees, P., Scarpa, F. and Wilks, S.P.,
"Graphene based bio-sensor using transport properties",
Physical Review B,
83[4] (2011), pp. 045401:1-8.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Axial instability of double-nanobeam-systems",
Physics Letters A,
375[3] (2011), pp. 601-608.
Flores, E. I. S., Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I. and F. Scarpa,
"Hyperelastic finite element model for single wall carbon nanotubes in tension",
Computational Materials Science,
50[3] (2011), pp. 1083-1087.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics using non-central Wishart distribution",
International Journal of Engineering Under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment and Mitigation,
2[3-4] (2010), pp. 123-139.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Scale-dependent vibration analysis of prestressed carbon nanotubes undergoing rotation",
Journal of Applied Physics,
108[12] (2010), pp. 123507:1-7.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Phani, A. Srikanth,
"Auxeticity in single layer graphene sheets",
International Journal of Novel Materials,
1[2] (2010), pp. 39-43.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal effects in the longitudinal vibration of double-nanorod systems",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
43[1] (2010), pp. 415-422.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal transverse vibration of double-nanobeam-systems",
Journal Applied Physics,
108[8] (2010), pp. 083514:1-9.
Scarpa, F., Peng, H. X., Boldri, L., Remillat, C. D. L., Adhikari, S.,
"Coupled thermo-mechanics of single-wall carbon nanotubes",
Applied Physics Letters,
97[15] (2010), pp. 151903:1-3.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Rees, P.,
"Optical properties of silicon doped ZnO",
Physica B: Condensed Matter,
405[23] (2010), pp. 4763-4767.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic sensitivity analysis using preconditioning approach",
Engineering Computations,
27[7] (2010), pp. 841-862.
★ Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011 (from the Emerald Group Publishing Limited).
- Full Text
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C. W., Adhikari, S. and Scarpa, F.,
"Vibration and symmetry-breaking of boron nitride nanotubes",
21[36] (2010), pp. 365702:1-9.
Friswell, M. I., Dutt, J. K., Adhikari, S. and Lees, A. W.,
"Time domain analysis of a viscoelastic rotor using internal variable models",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
52[10] (2010), pp. 1319-1324.
Wang, C. Y., Zhao, Y., Adhikari, S. and Feng, Y. T.,
"Vibration of axially strained triple-wall carbon nanotubes",
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,
7[11] (2010), pp. 2176-2185.
Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"A reduced-order random matrix approach for stochastic structural dynamics",
Computers and Structures,
88[21-22] (2010), pp. 1230-1238.
Li, C. F., Adhikari, S., Cen, S., Feng, Y. T. and Owen, D. R. J.,
"A joint diagonalisation approach for linear stochastic systems",
Computers and Structures,
88[19-20] (2010), pp. 1137-1148.
Ali, S. F., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Piezoelectric energy harvesting with parametric uncertainty",
Smart Materials & Structures,
19[10] (2010), pp. 105010:1-9.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Sensor shape design for piezoelectric cantilever beams to harvest vibration energy",
Journal of Applied Physics,
108[1] (2010), pp. 014901:1-6.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"High-dimensional model representation for stochastic finite element analysis",
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
34[12] (2010), pp. 3917-3932.
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C. Y., Adhikari, S. and Tong, F. M.,
"Sliding oscillations of multiwall carbon nanotubes",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
42[9] (2010), pp. 2295-2300.
Adhikari, S.,
"Sensitivity based reduced approaches for structural reliability analysis",
Sādhanā - Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Engineering Sciences,
35[3] (2010), pp. 319-339.
Diaz De la O , F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Structural dynamic analysis using Gaussian process emulators",
Engineering Computations,
27[5] (2010), pp. 580-605.
Adhikari, S. and Phani, A. Srikanth,
"Random eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics: Experimental investigations",
AIAA Journal,
48[6] (2010), pp. 1085-1097.
Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"The calibration of carbon nanotube based bio-nano sensors",
Journal of Applied Physics,
107[12] (2010), pp. 124322:1-8.
Litak, G., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Magnetopiezoelastic energy harvesting driven by random excitations",
Applied Physics Letters,
96[21] (2010), pp. 214103:1-3.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S., Wang, C. W. and Scarpa, F.,
"A molecular mechanics approach for the vibration of single walled carbon nanotubes",
Computational Materials Science,
48[4] (2010), pp. 730-735.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B., "A general derivation of dynamic response of viscoelastic structures",
International Journal of Aerospace Innovations,
2[1-2] (2010), pp. 29-41.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Wang, C. Y.,
"Nanocomposites with auxetic nanotubes",
International Journal of Smart and Nanomaterials,
1[2] (2010), pp. 83-94.
Potrykus, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamical response of damped structural systems driven by jump processes",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
25[3] (2010), pp. 305-314.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Scarpa, F.,
"Elasticity and piezoelectricity of zinc oxide nanostructure",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
42[8] (2010), pp. 2036-2040.
Wang, C. Y., Li, C. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Axisymmetric vibration of singlewall carbon nanotubes in water",
Physics Letters A,
374[24] (2010), pp. 2467-2474.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"The transverse elasticity of bilayer graphene",
Physics Letters A,
374[19-20] (2010), pp. 2053-2057.
Adhikari, S., "A reduced second-order approach for linear viscoelastic oscillators",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
77[4] (2010), pp. 041003:1-8.
Chowdhury, R., Rees, P., Adhikari, S., Scarpa, F. and Wilks, S.P.,
"Electronic structures of silicon doped ZnO",
Physica B: Condensed Matter,
405[8] (2010), pp. 1980-1985.
Gil, A. J., Adhikari, S., Scarpa, F. and Bonet, J.,
"The formation of wrinkles in single layer graphene sheets under nanoindentation",
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
22[14] (2010), pp. 145302:1-6.
- a href="fulltext/journal/ft100.pdf">Full Text
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S., Gil, A. J. and Remillat, C.,
"The bending of single layer graphene sheets: Lattice versus continuum approach",
21[12] (2010), pp. 125702:1-9.
Chowdhury, R., Wang, C. Y. and Adhikari, S.,
"Low-frequency vibration of multiwall carbon nanotubes with heterogeneous boundaries",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
43[11] (2010), pp. 085405:1-8.
Adhikari, S., "Generalized Wishart distribution for probabilistic structural dynamics",
Computational Mechanics,
45[5] (2010), pp. 495-511.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Structural health monitoring using shaped sensors",
Mechanical System and Signal Processing,
24[3] (2010), pp. 623-635.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Tracking noisy limit cycle oscillation with nonlinear filters",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
329[2] (2010), pp. 150-170.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Distributed parameter model updating using the Karhunen-Loève expansion",
Mechanical System and Signal Processing,
24[2] (2010), pp. 326-339.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Mitchell, J.,
"Vibrating carbon nanotube based bio-sensors",
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,
42[2] (2009), pp. 104-109.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Shaped modal sensors for linear stochastic beams",
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
20[18] (2009), pp. 2269-2284.
Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I. and Inman, D. J.,
"Piezoelectric energy harvesting from broadband random vibrations",
Smart Materials & Structures,
18[11] (2009), pp. 115005:1-7.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B.,
"Eigenvalues of linear viscoelastic systems",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
325[4-5] (2009), pp. 1000-1011.
du Bois, J. L., Lieven, N. A. J. and Adhikari, S.
"Error analysis in trifilar inertia measurements",
Experimental Mechanics,
49[4] (2009), pp. 533-540.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Wang, C. Y., "Mechanical properties of non reconstructed defective single wall carbon nanotubes",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
42 (2009) 142002 (6pp).
Wang, C. Y., Li, C. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic behaviors of microtubules in cytosol",
Journal of Biomechanics,
42[9] (2009), pp. 1270-1274.
Bhattacharya, S., Adhikari, S. and Alexander N. A.,
"A simplified method for unified buckling and dynamic analysis of pile-supported structures in seismically liquefiable soils",
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,
29[8] (2009), pp. 1220-1235.
Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I., Lonkar, K. and Sarkar, A.,
"Experimental case studies for uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
24[4] (2009), pp. 473-492.
Tong, F. M., Wang, C. Y. and Adhikari, S.,
"Axial buckling of multiwall carbon nanotubes with heterogeneous boundary conditions",
Journal of Applied Physics,
105 (2009), pp. 094325:1-7.
Adhikari, S. and Sarkar, A.,
"Uncertainty in structural dynamics: experimental validation of a Wishart random matrix model",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
323[3-5] (2009), pp. 802-825.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"Mode veering in stressed framed structures",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
322[4-5] (2009), pp. 1117-1124.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Phani, A. Srikanth,
"Effective mechanical properties of single graphene sheets",
20[1-2] (2009), pp. 065709:1-11.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlinear filters for chaotic oscillatory systems",
Nonlinear Dynamics,
55[1-2] (2009), pp. 113-137.
Adhikari, S. and Phani, A. Srikanth,
"Experimental identification of generalized proportional viscous damping matrix",
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
131[1] (2009), pp. 011008:1-12.
Adhikari, S.,
"Wishart random matrices in probabilistic structural mechanics",
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
134[12] (2008), pp. 1029-1044.
Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharya, S.,
"Dynamic instability of pile-supported structures in liquefiable soils during earthquakes",
Shock and Vibration,
15[6] (2008), pp. 665-685.
Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty modelling of carbon nanotube terahertz oscillators",
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,
354[35-39] (2008), pp. 4151-4156.
Phani, A. Srikanth and Adhikari, S.,
"Rayleigh quotient and dissipative systems",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
75 (2008), pp. 061005:1-6.
Sieber, J., Wagg, D. J. and Adhikari, S.,
"On the interaction of exponential non-viscous damping with weak nonlinearities in a Duffing oscillator",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
314[1-2] (2008), pp. 1-11.
Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"A mechanical equivalence for the Poisson's ratio and thickness of C-C bonds in single wall carbon nanotubes",
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
41 (2008) 085306 (5pp).
Bhattacharya, S., Dash, S. R. and Adhikari, S.,
"On the mechanics of failure of pile-supported structures in liquefiable deposits during earthquakes",
Current Science,
94[5] (2008), pp. 605-611.
Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic response characteristics of a non-viscously damped oscillator",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
75[1] (2008), pp. 011003:1-12.
Friswell, M. I, Adhikari, S. and Lei, Y.,
"Non-local finite element analysis of damped beams",
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
44[22-23] (2007), pp. 7564-7576.
Khalil, M., Adhikari, S. and Sarkar, A.,
"Linear system identification using proper orthogonal decomposition",
Mechanical System and Signal Processing,
21[8] (2007), pp. 3123-3145.
Adhikari, S., Lei, Y. and Friswell, M. I.
"Modal analysis of non-viscously damped beams",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
74[5] (2007), pp. 1026-1030.
Friswell, M. I, Adhikari, S. and Lei, Y.,
"Vibration analysis of beams with non-local foundations using the finite element method",
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
71[11] (2007), pp. 1365-1386.
Adhikari, S.,
"Joint statistics of natural frequencies of stochastic dynamic systems",
Computational Mechanics,
40[4] (2007), pp. 739-752.
Adhikari, S.,
"On the quantification of damping model uncertainty",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
305[1-2] (2007), pp. 153-171.
Adhikari, S.,
"Matrix variate distributions for probabilistic structural mechanics",
AIAA Journal,
45[7] (2007), pp. 1748-1762.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Random matrix eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics",
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
69[3] (2007), pp. 562-591.
Adhikari, S.,
"Damping modelling using generalized proportional damping",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
293[1-2] (2006), pp. 156-170.
Adhikari, S.,
"Random eigenvalue problems revisited",
Sādhanā - Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Engineering Sciences,
31[4] (2006), pp. 293-314.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"The calculation of eigensolution derivatives for non-viscously damped systems using Nelson's method",
AIAA Journal,
44[8] (2006), pp. 1799-1806.
Wagenknecht, T., Green, K., Adhikari, S. and Michiels, W.,
"Structured pseudospectra and random eigenvalue problems in vibrating systems",
AIAA Journal,
44[10] (2006), pp. 2404-2414.
Lei, Y., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.
"A Galerkin method for distributed systems with non-local damping",
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
43[11-12] (2006), pp. 3381-3400.
Adhikari, S.,
"Qualitative dynamic characteristics of a non-viscously damped oscillator",
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series - A,
461[2059] (2005), pp. 2269 - 2288.
Adhikari, S.,
"Asymptotic distribution method for structural reliability analysis in high dimensions",
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series - A,
461[2062] (2005), pp. 3141 - 3158.
Adhikari, S.,
"Optimal complex modes and an index of damping non-proportionality",
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
18[1] (2004), pp. 1-27.
Adhikari, S.,
"Complex modes in stochastic systems",
Advances in Vibration Engineering,
3[1] (2004), pp. 1-11.
Adhikari, S. and Wagner, N.,
"Direct time-domain approach for exponentially damped systems".
Computers and Structures,
82[29-30] (2004), pp. 2453-2461.
Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability analysis using parabolic failure surface approximation",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
130[12] (2004), pp. 1407-1427.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Quantification of non-viscous damping in discrete linear systems",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
260[3] (2003), pp. 499-518.
Wagner, N. and Adhikari, S.,
"Symmetric state-space formulation for a class of non-viscously damped systems",
AIAA Journal,
41[5] (2003), pp. 951-956.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Authors' reply to
'Comments on eigenderivative analysis of asymmetric non-conservative systems' "
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
56[2] (2003), pp. 329-330.
Adhikari, S. and Wagner, N.,
"Analysis of asymmetric non-viscously damped linear dynamic systems",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
70[6] (2003), pp. 885-893.
Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamics of non-viscously damped linear systems",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
128[3] (2002), pp. 328-339.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Identification of damping part 3: Symmetry preserving methods",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
251[3] (2002), pp. 477-490.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Identification of damping part 4: Error analysis",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
251[3] (2002), pp. 491-504.
Adhikari, S.,
"Derivative of eigensolutions of non-viscously damped linear systems",
AIAA Journal,
40[10] (2002), pp. 2061-2069.
Adhikari, S.,
"Lancaster's method of damping identification revisited",
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
124[4] (2002), pp. 617-627.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Eigenderivative analysis of asymmetric non-conservative systems",
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
51[6] (2001), pp. 709-733.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Identification of damping part 1: Viscous damping",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
243[1] (2001), pp. 43-61.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Identification of damping part 2: Non-viscous damping",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
243[1] (2001), pp. 63-88.
Adhikari, S.,
"Classical normal modes in non-viscously damped linear systems",
AIAA Journal,
39[5] (2001), pp. 978-980.
Adhikari, S.,
"Eigenrelations for non-viscously damped systems",
AIAA Journal,
39[8] (2001), pp. 1624-1630.
Adhikari, S.,
"Calculation of derivative of complex modes using classical normal modes",
Computers and Structures,
77[6] (2000), pp. 625-633.
Adhikari, S. and Manohar, C. S.,
"Transient dynamics of stochastically parametered beams",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
126[11] (2000), pp. 1131-1140.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Derivatives of complex eigenvectors using nelson's method",
AIAA Journal,
38[12] (2000), pp. 2355-2357.
Adhikari, S.,
"Author's Closure:
'Comments on modal analysis of linear asymmetric non-conservative systems'
by D. L. Cronin",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
126[12] (2000), pp. 1307-1308.
Adhikari, S.,
"On symmetrizable systems of second kind",
Transactions of ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics,
67[4] (2000), pp. 797-802.
Adhikari, S. and Manohar, C. S.,
"Dynamic analysis of framed structures with statistical uncertainties",
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,
44[8] (1999), pp. 1157-1178.
Adhikari, S.,
"Rates of change of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in damped dynamic system",
AIAA Journal,
37[11] (1999), pp. 1452-1458.
Adhikari, S.,
"Modal analysis of asymmetric non-conservative systems",
Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
125[12] (1999), pp. 1372-1379.
Manohar, C. S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic stiffness of randomly parametered beams",
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
13[1] (1998), pp. 39-51.
Manohar, C. S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Statistical analysis of vibration energy flow in randomly parametered trusses",
Journal of Sound and Vibration,
217[1] (1998), pp. 43-74.
Conference Papers
Under Review
Panda, S., Banerjee, A., Manna, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Moving load spectrum over the winkler and pasternak foundation models: A comparative analysis",
The International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2021),
Online, November 2021.
Chowdhury, S., Banerjee, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration mitigation of dynamic systems using inertial amplifier-based isolator with negative stiffness",
The International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2021),
Online, November 2021.
Cajic, M., Karlicic, D., Paunovic, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Fractional damping in a monoatomic chain with cubic nonlinearity",
26th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2021), Florianopolis (online mode)), Brazil, November 2021.
Cajic, M. , Karlicic, D. and Adhikari, S.,
"Topological interface states in acoustic metamaterials",
8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (ICSSM), Kragujevac, Serbia, June 2021.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration suppression and energy harvesting application of an axially moving beam",
8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (ICSSM), Kragujevac, Serbia, June 2021.
Adhikari, S.,
"The role of microstructure uncertainty on broadband homogeneous properties of lattice materials",
8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2021),
Athens, Greece (Online mode), June 2021.
Chatterjee, T., Karlicic, D., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Parametric amplification in a stochastic nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester via machine learning",
IMAC-XXXIX Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Online, February 2021.
Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic characteristics of 2D lattice metamaterials",
The International Conference on Futuristic Technologies,
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, January 2021.
Adhikari, S.,
"Homogeneous dynmaic properties of 2D lattices",
1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020),
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, September 2020.
Liu, X. and Adhikari, S.,
"The whole frequency range dynamics of built-up structures with boundary and connectivity uncertainties",
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2020),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2020.
Larsen, M. K., Adhikari, S. and Arora, V.,
"Stochastic finite element analysis of cantilever beam subjected to fatigue loading",
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2020), Portland, Oregon, USA, November 2020.
Adhikari, S.,
"Random matrix eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics: An iterative approach",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2020),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2020.
Karlicic, D., Cajic, M. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration suppression and energy harvesting application of an axially moving beam",
10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC2020), Lyon, France, July 2020.
Cajic, M., Karlicic, D., Paunovi, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Fractional metadamping in periodic chain with cubic nonlinearity",
10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC2020), Lyon, France, July 2020.
Gupta, V., Bhattacharya, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Locally resonant mechanical dome metastructures for band-structure estimation",
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE,
Anaheim, California, USA, April 2020.
Chatterjee, T., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Stochastic response of assembled systems using concepts of domain decomposition",
17th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW2019),
Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2019.
Patrick, J. and Adhikari, S.,
"Wave propagation in mechanical metamaterial configurations with piezoelectric vibration energy harvestors",
10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META' 19),
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2019.
Adhikari, S., Shaw, A., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Lavery, N. P.,
"Negative in-plane elastic moduli of metallic lattices: Experimental investigations",
10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META' 19),
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2019.
Cajic, M., Paunovic, S., Karlicic, D. and Adhikari, S.,
"Band structure of fractionally damped phononic crystals",
International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics,
Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, June 2019.
Adhikari, S., Pryse, S. E. and Kundu, A.,
"Stochastic dynamic response analysis of flexible structural systems",
2nd International Conference on Advances in Aerospace Structures, Systems & Technology (AASST 2019),
London, UK, May 2019.
Grigoriou, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic buckling of composite plates using reduced order methods",
2nd International Conference on Advances in Aerospace Structures, Systems & Technology (AASST 2019),
London, UK, May 2019.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"A stochastic multidomain approach for mid-frequency vibration problems",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2018),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2018.
Adhikari, S. and Mukhopadhyay, T.,
"Dynamics and homogenised elastic properties of irregular cellular metamaterials",
The Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST 2018),
Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018.
Pryse, S. E., Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Projection methods for stochastic structural dynamics",
14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2018.
Malaji, P., Doddi, S., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Analysis of pendulums coupled by torsional springs for energy harvesting",
14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2018.
Adhikari, S. and Mukhopadhyay, T.,
"Homogenisation and dynamics of randomly irregular metamaterials",
First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS 2018),
Turin, Italy, June 2018.
Maneshi, M. A., Ghavanloo, E., Fazelzadeh, S. A., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.
"Semi-analytical solution for postbuckling behavior of highly deformable nanobeams",
The World Congress on Engineering 2018 (WCE 2018),
London, UK, June 2018.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Shaw, A. D., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Using internal resonance to broaden the operational frequency range of {MEMS} piezoelectric harvesters",
International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN),
Rome, Italy, September 2017.
Jacquelin, E., Dessombz, O., Sinou, J.-J., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Steady-state response of a random dynamical system described with Pade approximants and random eigenmodes",
International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN),
Rome, Italy, September 2017.
Martinez-Ayuso, G., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Khodaparast, H. H. and Featherston, C. A.,
"Energy harvesting using porous piezoelectric beam with impacts",
International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN),
Rome, Italy, September 2017.
Scarth, C. and Adhikari, S.,
"Aeroelasticity of finite element composite wing models with spatially-varying material uncertainty",
20th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS20),
Paris, France, September 2017.
Adhikari, S. and Mukhopadhyay, T.,
"Dynamics of harmonically excited irregular cellular metamaterials",
8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META' 17),
Incheon - Seoul, South Korea, July 2017.
Arora, V., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"FRF-based probabilistic model updating in structural dynamics for uncertainty identification and quantification",
The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 24), London,UK, July 2017.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamics and homogenization of disordered lattice metamaterials",
Second International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017),
Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2017.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I., "Tuning the resonance frequency of a piezoelectric vibration based energy harvester using an electromagnetic force",
6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017),
Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2017.
Batou, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Extension of the fixed-point method for the design of general viscoelastic TMDs",
6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017),
Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2017.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Homogenisation and dynamics of randomly irregular metamaterials",
Second Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (Medyna 2017), Sevilla, Spain, April 2017.
Boulkaibet, I., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Fuzzy finite element model updating using metaheuristic optimization algorithms",
IMAC-XXXV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, January 2017.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"A meta-law for functionally graded materials based on low velocity impact parameters",
Fourth International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing (ICAMMP-IV), Kharagpur, India, November 2016.
Khodaparast, H. H., Madinei, H., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration suppression in MEMS devices using electrostatic forces",
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2016),
Leuven, Belgium, 2016.
Jacquelin, E., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Dessombz, O. and Sinou, J.-J.,
"Polynomial chaos expansion with fuzzy and random uncertainties in dynamical systems",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2016),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2016.
Martinez-Ayuso, G., Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S., Khodaparast, H. H. and Berger, H.,
"Functionally graded porous piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2016),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2016.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Spickenheuer, A., Gohs, U. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic natural frequency of composite plates using kriging model",
Sixth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2016), Mumbai, India, June 2016.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Mechanics of irregular honeycomb structures",
Sixth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2016), Mumbai, India, June 2016.
Pryse, S. E. and Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic response of stochastic systems using random eigenfunctions: A Galerkin error minimisation approach",
Meccanica Stocastica, Capri,, Italy, June 2016.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Wave propagation in irregular honeycombs",
Probabilistic Mechanics Conference (PMC2016), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2016.
Arora, V., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"FRF-based probabilistic model updating in structural dynamics for uncertainty quantification",
Uncertainties 2016, Maresias, Brazil, February 2016.
Machado, M. R., Adhikari, S., Santos, J. M. C. and Arruda, J. R.,
"Distributed parameter estimation of a stochastic beam structure via sensitivity-based model updating using experimental FRFs",
Uncertainties 2016, Maresias, Brazil, February 2016.
Khodaparast, H. H., Madinei, H., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration suppression in MEMS devices using electrostatic forces",
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE,
Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 2016.
Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"Mass and rotary inertia sensing from vibrating cantilever nanobeams",
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE,
Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 2016.
Adhikari, S.,
"Computational methods for nano-mechanical sensors",
Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering (ICIAME2016),
Gujarat, India, February 2016.
Friswell, M. I., Chandrashaker, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"An energy measure for mode localization",
IMAC-XXXIV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, January 2016.
Madinei, H., Khodaparast, H. H., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"A hybrid piezoelectric and electrostatic vibration energy harvester",
IMAC-XXXIV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, January 2016.
Boulkaibet, I., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"An adaptive Markov Chain Mote Carlo method for Bayesian finite element model updating",
IMAC-XXXIV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, January 2016.
Malaji, P. V., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Analysis of harvesting energy from multiple harvesters with and without coupling",
International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2015),
Guwahati, India, December 2015.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Spickenheuer, A., Gohs, U. and Adhikari, S.,
"Artificial neural network based stochastic natural frequency analysis of composite plates",
International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2015),
Guwahati, India, December 2015.
Mukhopadhyay, T., Batou, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic analysis for in-plane elastic moduli of irregular honeycombs with viscoelastic properties",
13th International Probabilistic Workshop 2015 (IPW 2015),
Liverpool, UK, November 2015.
Adhikari, S.,
"Computational methods for nanoscale bio-sensors",
Fifth Serbian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Engineering (SSM 2015),
Belgrade, Serbia, June, 2015.
Machado, M. R., Adhikari, S. and Dos Santos J. M. C.
"Distributed parameter estimation using FRF sensitivity model updating and KL expansion",
International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics (ICEDyn 2015),
Lagos, Algarve, Portugal, June 2015.
Arora, V., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"FRF-based finite element model updating method for non-viscous and non-proportional damped system",
The International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics (ICEDyn 2015),
Lagos, Algarve, Portugal, June 2015.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Homogenization and ergodicity of random lattices: A physics based approach",
1st International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2015),
Crete, Grece, May 2015.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification of dynamic characteristics of composites: A fuzzy approach",
1st International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2015),
Crete, Grece, May 2015.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Free vibration analysis of sandwich panels including the effect of irregularity in honeycomb core",
5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015),
Crete, Grece, May 2015.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability based optimization of composite spherical shells",
23rd Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK 2015),
Swansea, UK, April 2015.
Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Prediction of equivalent elastic properties of irregular cellular solids",
23rd Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK 2015),
Swansea, UK, April 2015.
Dey, S., Mukhopadhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Free vibration analysis of angle-ply composite plates with uncertain properties",
AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015 (SciTech2015): 17th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference,
Kissimmee, FL, USA, January 2015.
Boulkaibet, I., Mthembua, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element model updating using an evolutionary Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique",
IMAC-XXXIII Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, February 2015.
Chandrashaker, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Vibration localisation of rotationally periodic structures",
10th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-X 2014),
Manchester, UK, September 2014.
Adhikari, S. and Murmu, T.,
"Dynamic stiffness and eigenvalues of nonlocal nano-beams",
The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2014),
Naples, Italy, September 2014.
Dey, S., Mukhopdhyay, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Transient response of delaminated torsion stiff composite conical shell panel subjected to low velocity oblique impact",
The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2014),
Naples, Italy, September 2014.
Kundu, A., Diaz De la O, F. A., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty analysis of the dynamic response of a randomly parametrized corrugated skin",
The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2014),
Naples, Italy, September 2014.
Khodaparast, H. H., Govers, Y., Adhikari, S., Link, M. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Fuzzy model updating and its application to the DLR AIRMOD test structure",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics - USD2014,
Leuven, Belgium, September 2014.
Machado, M. R., Santos, J. M. C. and Adhikari, S.,
"Damage characterisation in structures with random properties",
Uncertainties 2014, Rouen, France, June 2014.
Adhikari, S. and Khodaparast, H. H.,
"Spectral methods for fuzzy structural dynamics: Modal vs direct approach",
IUTAM Symposium on Dynamical Analysis of Multibody Systems with Design Uncertainties,
Stuttgart, Germany, June 2014.
Adhikari, S.,
"The `damping effect' in the dynamic response of stochastic systems",
Seventh International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics (CSM7),
Santorini Island, Greece, June 2014.
Clarke, E. and Adhikari, S.,
"Two is better than one: Weakly coupled nano cantilevers show ultra-sensitivity of mass detection",
11th Annual International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC 2014),
Madrid, Spain, May 2014.
Sheady, Z. and Adhikari, S.,
"Cantilevered biosensors: Mass and rotary inertia identification",
11th Annual International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC 2014),
Madrid, Spain, May 2014.
Kundu, A., Diaz De la O, F. A., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty analysis of corrugated skin with random elastic parameters and surface topology",
AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014 (SciTech2014): 16th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference,
National Harbor, Maryland, USA, January 2014.
Boulkaibet, I., Mthembua, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element model updating using the separable shadow hybrid Monte Carlo technique",
IMAC-XXXII Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, February 2014.
Vijayan, K., Friswell, M. I., Khodaparast, H. H. and Adhikari, S.,
"Energy harvesting in a coupled system using nonlinear impact",
IMAC-XXXII Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Orlando, Florida, February 2014.
Adhikari, S.,
"Mid-frequency structural dynamics using a stochastic multiscale method",
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale modeling and uncertainty quantification of materials and structures,
Santorini Island, Greece, September 2013.
Karthik, K. S., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Base excited hybrid energy harvesting",
The 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2013),
Hyderabad, India, August 2013.
Adhikari, S., Gilchrist, D. J. E., Murmu, T. and McCarthy, M. A.,
"Nonlocal modal analysis for nanoscale dynamical systems",
Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2013), Kos Island, Greece, June 2013.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty propagation using random eigenfunction expansion method",
54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, April 2013.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty propagation is structural dynamics: Theory and Applications",
International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics (DINAME 2013),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 2013.
Chandra, Y., Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Multiscale methods for graphene based nanocomposites",
Nanocomposites for Aerospace Symposium,
Centre for NanoScience and Quantum Information, Bristol University, Bristol, UK, February 2013.
Boulkaibet, I., Marwala, T., Mthembua, L., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian finite element model updating using the shadow hybrid Monte Carlo technique",
IMAC-XXXI Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics,
Garden Grove, California, USA, February 2013.
Adhikari, S.,
"A spectral projection approach for fuzzy uncertainty propagation in structural dynamics",
Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics - USD2012,
Leuven, Belgium, September 2012.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Bayesian assimilation of multi-fidelity stochastic finite element models",
Sixth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences And Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012),
Vienna, Austria, September 2012.
Litak, G., Coccolo, M., Friswell, M. I., Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S., Lees, A. W. and Bilgen, O.,
"Nonlinear oscillations of an elastic inverted pendulum",
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Budapest, Hungary, August 2012.
Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Transient dynamics of structures with uncertain parameters",
6th International ASRANet Conference,
London, UK, July 2012.
Adhikari, S.,
"A spectral approach for fuzzy uncertainty propagation in linear systems",
6th International ASRANet Conference,
London, UK, July 2012.
Adhikari, S.,
"A stochastic multiscale approach for mid-frequency vibration problem",
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Problems in Stochastic Mechanics,
Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2012.
Adhikari, S.,
"Perturbation-enhanced extended polynomial-chaos expansion for stochastic finite element problems",
Stochastic Mechanics 2012,
Ustica, Italy, June 2012.
Murmu, T., Adhikari, S. and McCarthy, M.,
"Dynamic nonlocal finite element method for vibrating carbon nanotubes",
First International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures,
Torino, Italy, June 2012.
Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Transient dynamics of stochastic systems using a reduced order spectral function approach",
53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, April 2012.
Adhikari, S.,
"Novel reduced Galerkin projection schemes for stochastic dynamical systems",
1st International Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling (Uncertainties 2012), Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 2012.
Papai, F., Adhikari, S. and Wang, B. T.,
"Estimation of modal dampings for unmeasured modes",
30th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXX),
Jacksonville, Florida, USA, February 2012.
Boulkaibet, I., Marwala, T., Mthembua, L., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Sampling techniques in bayesian finite element model updating",
30th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXX),
Jacksonville, Florida, USA, February 2012.
Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic structural dynamics using frequency adaptive basis functions",
International Symposium on Engineering under uncertainty: Safety assessment and Management (ISEUSAM- 2012),
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India, January 2012.
Litak, G., Friswell, M. I., Kwuimy, C. K., Adhikari, S. and Borowiec, M.,
"Energy harvesting by two magnetopiezoelastic oscillators",
Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Lodz, Poland, December 2011.
Murugan, S., Saavedra Flores, E. I., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Optimal design of elastomer composites for morphing skins",
Proceedings of the ASME, 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, September 2011.
Friswell, M. I., Adhikari, S. and Ali, S. F.,
"Energy harvesting from ambient excitation",
EuroMech Colloquium 530: Structural Control and Energy Harvesting, Bristol, UK, July 2011.
Potrykus, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Magnetopiezoelastic energy harvesting driven by stochastic jump processes",
Seventh European Nonlinear Oscillations Conferences (ENOC), Rome, Italy, July 2011.
Adhikari, S. and Kundu, A.,
"A novel galerkin projection approach for damped stochastic dynamic systems",
Third International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2011), Corfu, Greece, May 2011.
Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Hybrid perturbation-polynomial chaos approximate solution to the algebraic random eigenvalue problem",
Third International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2011), Corfu, Greece, May 2011.
Adhikari, S.,
"A reduced spectral projection method for stochastic finite element analysis",
52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2011.
Murugan, S., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Effects of spatially uncertain structural properties on helicopter aeroelastic response predictions using high dimensional model representation",
52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2011.
Ali, S. F., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Analysis of magnetopiezoelastic energy harvesters under random excitations: an equivalent linearization approach",
SPIE Smart Structures, Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference,
San Diego, California, USA, March 2011.
Murmu, T. and Adhikari, S.,
"Nonlocal vibration of coupled double-nanoplate-systems",
International Conference on Composites for 21st Century: Current & Future Trends,
Bangalore, India, January 2011.
Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Fuzzy structural dynamics using high dimensional model representation",
Third International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2010),
Leuven, Belgium, September 2010.
Adhikari, S.,
"A vector-space approach for stochastic finite element analysis",
The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010),
Valencia, Spain, September 2010.
Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Frequency response of stochastic dynamic systems: A modal approach",
The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010),
Valencia, Spain, September 2010.
Kerfriden, P., Gosselet, P., Adhikari, S., Bordas, S. and Passieux, J. C.,
"POD-based model order reduction for the simulation of strong nonlinear evolutions in structures: application to damage propagation",
Ninth World Congress on computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Sydney, Australia, July 2010.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Sensor design for piezoelectric cantilever beam energy harvesters",
International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics,
Southampton, UK, July 2010.
Wang, C. Y., Li, C. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Effect of cytosol on the dynamic behaviours of microtubules",
TechConnect World Conference and Expo,
Anaheim, California, USA, June 2010.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics: A reduced random matrix approach",
5th International ASRANet Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2010.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"A non-linear dimension reduction methodology for the frequency response functions of uncertain structural systems",
5th International ASRANet Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2010.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian assimilation of multi-fidelity finite element models",
Fourth European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010),
Paris, France, May 2010.
Pascual, B. and Adhikari, S.,
"Beyond the stochastic finite element method: hybrid uncertainty quantification using random PDEs",
Fourth European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010),
Paris, France, May 2010.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"Collocation based high dimensional model representation for stochastic partial differential equations",
Fourth European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010),
Paris, France, May 2010.
Ali, S. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Control of a class of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations",
Fourth European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010),
Paris, France, May 2010.
Scarpa, F., Ruzzene, M., Adhikari, S. and Chowdhury, R.,
"Wave propagation and structural dynamics in graphene nanoribbons",
SPIE Smart Structures, Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference,
San Diego, California, USA, March 2010.
Ali, S. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Adaptive backstepping based MR damper monitoring for structural applications",
SPIE Smart Structures, Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring Conference,
San Diego, California, USA, March 2010.
Mthembu, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element model selection using particle swarm optimization",
28th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVIII),
Jacksonville, Florida, USA, February 2010.
Chowdhury, R. Adhikari, S. and Scarpa, F.,
"Electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons coupled with organic molecules",
First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB2010),
Houston, TX, USA, February 2010.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Gaussian process emulators for dynamical systems with random parameters",
Tenth International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR'09),
Osaka, Japan, September 2009.
Scarpa, F., Adhikari, S. and Wang, C. Y.,
"Nanocomposites with auxetic nanotubes",
17Th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17),
Edinburgh, UK, July 2009.
Adhikari, S. and Pastur, L.,
"Extremely strong convergence of eigenvalue-density of linear stochastic dynamical systems",
IUTAM Symposium on the Vibration Analysis of Structures with Uncertainties,
St Petersburg, Russia, July 2009.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"MPP-based correlated function expansion for reliabilities and moments of uncertain dynamical system",
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD 2009),
pp. 185-192, Sheffield, UK, June 15-17, 2009.
Adhikari, S.,
"On the validity of random matrix models in probabilistic structural dynamics",
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD 2009),
pp. 281-290, Sheffield, UK, June 15-17, 2009.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Structural health monitoring of beam structures using shaped sensors",
IISc Centenary International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Exhibition (ICEAE 2009), pp. 693-699, Bangalore, India, May 2009.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B.,
"A general derivation of dynamic response of viscoelastic structures",
IISc Centenary International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Exhibition (ICEAE 2009), pp. 633-640, Bangalore, India, May 2009.
Adhikari, S. and Roy Mahapatra, D.,
"Doubly spectral stochastic finite element method (DSSFEM) for random field problems",
IISc Centenary International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Exhibition (ICEAE 2009), pp. 811-818, Bangalore, India, May 2009.
Chowdhury, R. and Adhikari, S.,
"An efficient computational solution scheme of the random eigenvalue problem",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Structural health monitoring using shaped sensors",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Adhikari, S.,
"Doubly spectral finite element method for stochastic field problems in structural dynamics",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Li, C. F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Response statistics of linear stochastic systems: A simultaneous diagonalisation approach",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Adhikari, S., Phani, A. S. and Pape, D. A.,
"Random eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics: An experimental investigation",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"A new approach to model updating in symmetric structures",
50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, May 2009.
Bhattacharya, S., Alexander N. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"An approach to study dynamic stability of pile-supported structures in liquefiable soils",
6th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering,
Tokyo, Japan, March 2009.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Coupling polynomial chaos expansions with Gaussian process emulators: An introduction",
Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2009.
Mthembu, L., Marwala, T., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian evidence for finite element model updating",
Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2009.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"On the role of modal coupling in finite element model updating",
Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2009.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"Localisation and curve veering: A different perspective on modal interactions",
Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2009.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Shaped modal sensors for uncertain dynamical systems",
IUTAM Symposium on Multi-Functional Material Structures and Systems, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 2008.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Gaussian process emulator approach for engineering mechanics",
Annual Meeting of Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMICS),
Aberystwyth, UK, December 2008.
Bhattacharya, S., Dash, S. R., Mitra, N., Adhikari, S. and Blakeborough, A.,
"Investigation of bending-buckling interaction of piles in liquefiable soils",
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Beijing, China, October 2008.
Diaz De la O, F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian emulators and the stochastic finite element method",
The Sixth International Conference on Engineering and Computational Technology,
Athens, Greece, September 2008.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Shaped sensors for structural health monitoring",
International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (ISSS),
Bangalore, India, July 2008.
Adhikari, S. and Pascual, B.,
"Response variability of viscoelastically damped systems",
International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (ICNPAA 2008),
Genoa, Italy, June 2008.
Adhikari, S.,
"Wishart random matrices for uncertainty quantification of complex dynamical systems",
International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (ICNPAA 2008),
Genoa, Italy, June 2008.
Adhikari, S.,
"Response variability of linear stochastic systems: A general solution using random matrix theory",
49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Schaumburg, IL, USA, April 2008.
Pascual, B., Adhikari, S.,
"Dynamic response of structures with frequency dependent damping models",
49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Schaumburg, IL, USA, April 2008.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Performance of nonlinear filters for noise-driven chaotic oscillatory systems",
49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Schaumburg, IL, USA, April 2008.
Diaz De la O , F. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Bayesian emulator approach for complex dynamical systems",
49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Schaumburg, IL, USA, April 2008.
Pape, D. A. and Adhikari, S.,
"A statistical analysis of modal parameters for uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics",
Proceedings of the 26th International Modal Analysis Conference
(IMAC-XXVI), Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2007.
Scarpa, F. and Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic modelling of nanostructures: An engineering perspective",
Fourth International Workshop on Functional and Nanostructured Materials,
Gdansk, Poland, September 2007.
Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Non-local models of stiffness and damping",
International Conference on Engineering Dynamics,
Carvoeiro, Algarve, Portugal, April 2007
Adhikari, S. and D. M. Tartakovsky,
"random Matrix Approach for Stochastic Flow Problems",
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2007),
Zurich, Switzerland, July 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Random matrix theory for stochastic structural dynamics",
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2007),
Zurich, Switzerland, July 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification and propagation using matrix variate distributions",
1st International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, June 2007.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"Adaptive passive control of dynamic response through structural loading",
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii USA, April 2007.
Adhikari, S., Friswell, M. I. and Lonkar, K.,
"Uncertainty in structural dynamics: experimental case studies on beams and plates",
Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2007),
Crete, Greece, June 2007.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Parametric identification of nonlinear dynamical systems using filtering techniques",
1st International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, June 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"An unified parametric-nonparametric uncertainty quantification approach for linear dynamical systems",
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii USA, April 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty propagation in linear systems: an exact solution using random matrix theory",
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii USA, April 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Characterization of uncertainty in damping modeling",
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii USA, April 2007.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Linear system identification using proper orthogonal decomposition",
4th Montreal Scientific Computing Days,
Montreal, Canada, April 2007.
Khalil, M., Sarkar, A. and Adhikari, S.,
"Data assimilation in structural dynamics: extended, ensemble Kalman and particle filters",
4th Montreal Scientific Computing Days,
Montreal, Canada, April 2007.
Adhikari, S. and Sarkar, A.,
"The nature of epistemic uncertainty in linear dynamical systems",
Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference
February 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
du Bois, J. L., Adhikari, S. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"An experimental and numerical investigation of mode veerings",
Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference
February 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Adhikari, S. Lonkar, K. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Experimental case studies on uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics",
Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference
February 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Bhattacharya, S. and Adhikari, S.,
"Damping and resonance of piled foundations in liquefiable soils during strong earthquakes",
International Workshop on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering,
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah, India, January 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification and propagation in structural dynamics",
International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges,
Howrah, India, January 2007.
Adhikari, S. and Phani, A. Srikanth,,
"Rayleigh's classical damping revisited",
International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges,
Howrah, India, January 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
"Damping model uncertainty in structural dynamics",
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2006),
Leuven, Belgium, 2006.
Khalil, M., Adhikari, S. and Sarkar, A.,
"Identification of damping using proper orthogonal decomposition",
The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2006.
Wagg D. J., Adhikari, S.,
"The dynamics of a Duffing oscillator with non-viscous damping",
The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2006.
Lei, Y., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"Finite element analysis of beams with nonlocal foundations",
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, May 2006.
Adhikari, S.,
"A non-parametric approach for uncertainty quantification in elastodynamics",
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, May 2006.
Lei, Y., Friswell, M. I. and Adhikari, S.,
"The analysis of distributed systems with nonlocal damping",
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, San Diego, California, USA,
February-March 2006.
Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability approximations via asymptotic distribution",
Ninth International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR'05),
Rome , Italy, June 19-22, 2005.
Adhikari, S.,
"Random matrix eigenvalue problems in probabilistic structural mechanics",
20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics , Montreal , Canada, May 2005.
Adhikari, S.,
"Stochastic structural analysis using matrix variate distributions",
National Symposium on Structural Dynamics, Random Vibrations and Earthquake Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, July 2005.
Adhikari, S.,
"Damping modelling and identification using generalized proportional damping",
Proceedings of the 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXIII),
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2005.
Friswell, M. I., Coote, J. A., Terrell, M. J., Adhikari, S., Fonseca, J. R. and Lieven, N. A. J.,
"Experimental data for uncertainty quantification",
Proceedings of the 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXIII),
Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2005.
Adhikari, S.,
"Joint distribution of eigenvalues of linear stochastic systems",
46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, April 2005.
Fonseca, J. R., Friswell, M. I., Mottershead, J. E., Lees, A. W. and Adhikari, S.,
"Uncertainty quantification using maximum likelihood: experimental validation",
46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, April 2005.
Adhikari, S., Y. Lei and M. I. Friswell,
"Dynamics of non-viscously damped distributed parameter systems",
46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, April 2005.
Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I.,
"Random eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics",
45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics
& Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, April 2004.
Adhikari, S.,
"Reliability analysis in high dimensions",
Ninth ASCE EMD/SEI/GI/AD Joint Speciality Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and
Structural Reliability, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 26-28, 2004.
Adhikari, S. and Langley, R. S.,
"Distribution of eigenvalues of linear stochastic systems",
In A Der-Kiureghian, Samer Madanat and Juan M. Pestana, editors,
Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Applications of
Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP 9), San Fransisco,
California, USA, volume 1 of Applications of Statistics and Probability
in Civil Engineering, pages 201-207, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 6-9, 2003.
Adhikari, S. and Langley, R. S.,
"Reduction of random variables in structural reliability analysis",
Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2002),
pp. 3-6, Edited by H. Langseth and B. Lindqvist,
June 17-20, 2002 Trondheim, Norway.
Marwala, T., Adhikari, S. and Heyns, P.S.,
"Model updating using pseudo-modal-energies",
Proceedings of the 19th International Modal Analysis Conference
pp. 355-361, February 2001, Kissimmee, Florida USA.
Adhikari, S. and Langley, R. S.,
"On the nature of random system matrices in structural dynamics",
141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
June 2001, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Adhikari, S., Woodhouse, J. and Phani, A. Srikanth,
"Can the spatial distribution of damping be measured?",
141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
June 2001, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Towards identification of a general model of damping",
Proceedings of the 18th International Modal Analysis Conference
pp. 377-383, February 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Adhikari, S.,
"Complex modes in linear stochastic systems",
Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-I),
25-27 October, 2000, IISc, Bangalore, India.
Adhikari, S. and Manohar, C. S.,
"Vibration energy flow in trusses: statistical energy analysis versus
stochastic finite element analysis",
7th National Seminar on Aerospace Structures, Recent Advances in
Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity,
August, 1997, NAL - Bangalore, India.
Book Reviews
Adhikari, S.,
"Review of Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems",
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
225[7] (2011), pp. 1756.
Adhikari, S.,
"Review of Dynamics of Multibody Systems - Third edition",
The Aeronautical Journal,
110[8] (2006), pp. 395.
Scrath, C., Pryse, S. E. and Adhikari, S.,
Robust Aeroelastic Tailoring in Presence of Combined Uncertainties: Theoretical developments and application to the Embraer benchmark wing (152 pages),
Report prepared for Embraer Aircraft, November 2017.
Dey, S. and Adhikari, S.,
Uncertainty Quantification and Model Validation of Dynamics of Composite Plates and Shells (202 pages),
Report prepared for Embraer Aircraft, May 2015.
Adhikari, S.,
Uncertainty quantification in the dynamics of H-tail (72 pages), Report prepared for Embraer Aircraft, November 2013.
Results induced and highlighted in research and development strategy documents within Embraer
Simon, French, Adhikari, Sondipon, Bayley, Clare, Bedford, Tim, Busby, Jerry, Cliffe, Andrew, Devgun, Geeta, Eid, Moetaz, Keshvala, Ritesh, Pollard, Simon, Soane, Emma, Tracy, David and Wu, Shaomin,
Human Reliability Analysis: A Review and Critique (December 2009).
Manchester Business College Research Paper No. 589. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1541951
Full Text (PDF, Size: 803K).
- Among the
SSRN's Top Ten download list for ERN: Behavioral Economics (February, 2010)
Adhikari, S.,
On the Application of ANOVA method for Wind Energy Predictions,
Report prepared for Garrad Hassan Ltd, March 2007.
Bhattacharya, S. and Adhikari, S.,
Vibrational characteristics of a piled structure in
liquefied soil during earthquakes:
Experimental Investigation (Part I)
and Analytical Modelling (Part II),
Oxford University Engineering Library, Report No. OUEL 2294/07, February, 2007.
Adhikari, S.,
Uncertainty Quantification in the Prediction of Wind Velocities,
Report prepared for Garrad Hassan Ltd, April 2006.
This work contributed to the award of the Philip Leverhulme Prize 2007
Adhikari, S. and R. S. Langley,
Reduction of Random Variables in Structural Reliability Analysis,
February 2002.
Adhikari, S.,
Damping Models for Structural Vibration,
PhD dissertation, Cambridge University Engineering Department,
September 2000.
Adhikari, S. and Woodhouse, J.,
"Towards Identification of a General Model of Damping",
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
4062 (2000), pp. 377-383.
Manohar, C. S., Adhikari, S. and Bhattacharyya, S.,
Statistical Energy Analysis of Structural Dynamical Systems,
Final Report submitted to DST, Govt. of India,
Department of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, August 1999.
Adhikari, S.,
Energy Dissipation of Vibrating Structures,
First Year Report, Cambridge University Engineering Department,
May 1998.
Manohar, C. S. and Adhikari, S.,
Stochastic Dynamic Stiffness for Vibration Energy Flow Analyses of
Skeletal Structures,
First Annual Report submitted to DST, Govt of India,
Department of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, August 1997.
Adhikari, S.,
Stochastic Dynamic Stiffness Method for Vibration and Energy Flow Analyses
of Skeletal Structures,
MSc Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, July 1997.